Primo : is small dose worth keeping in a stack?

nonsense, "test is dirty" that phrase all stems from a reddit comment a few years ago and repeated by people that cant figure out how to control their estrogen.
Having higher testosterone levels cannot feel more "dirty" or "unnatural" than injecting 3 other completely synthetic unnatural hormones at once that have a range of different interactions with your brain and other hormones. 800mg mast 400mg deca and primo is less "dirty" than tripling your natural testosterone?

false, you have seen a few posts online when searching for it, and those posts are generally repeated by a small group of people or made when someone is first experimenting because they themselves saw other posts, and then they obviously never go back to update their comment explaining if they had side effects or if it was a bad idea.
Its always always always some beginner that thinks they are some biohacker that is allergic to testosterone and thinks they can magically combine 4 other hormones to optimize their brain health and make up for the problems they have in their life.
its never some normal guy jacked guy with a wife and kids that comes to the conclusion that "test isnt for them" its someone who spends too much time on forums and thinks they found the secret

so same as test, hmmmmmmm maybe there is a correlation, maybe its the e2 and not the testosterone.

because deca/npp causes mental affects, so taking almost a gram of masteron to try to cover up the mental affects of deca is stupid, because the deca is still causiing the side effects in the background. want to do all this because you read some stupid reddit posts about test being "dirty"
2. cant take a.i properly and blame testosterone for high e2 , thinking your male body is not designed for testosterone.
3. think the more complicated you make something, the better it will be. there is no magic RATIO of 6 compounds to biohack your brain.

youre going to take 4 different compounds and switch them up and down depending on your mood, which could be caused by other things in your life or placebo yourself into, so youre going to be on a never ending hormonal rollercoaster with underlying nandrolone mental issues all while not getting estrogen blood tests enough so you'll either be crashed or high which you will determine is caused by some ratio of masteron or some other B.S assumption from something you learned on a podcast recently, nstead of the simple solution.


there is no reason to take so many compounds for mediocre gains, you take primo and 800mg masteron just to get the anabolic effects of 400mg deca? and let me guess, you think deca is "stronger" than testosterone so you'll automatically get more gains with 400mg deca than everyone you see posting about using 250-600mg test cycles.

the biggest thing you need to understand is that you admit you have mental issues yet have been cruising on deca/npp for who knows how long, a compound that is known to create mental side effects.

very very illogical thinking, if you actually cared about your mental welllbeing and biohacking, you wouldnt be taking nandrolone , do you take any supplements that other people say cause depression and werid mental side effects? or just deca? why would you base a whole cycle around a compound known for this effect?
Because anything above 250mg test will require an AI which means op will have to feel the side effects of taking them such as joint pain, flat muscles, mood changes, etc.. That’s not even including the fact that if he accidentally crashes his e2 he’ll have to spend 2-3 weeks for getting back to normal which means for 2-3 weeks with low e2 he won’t gain any muscle and fat loss will be slower.

Do you understand how reckless your advice is? Use the search function more often.
First of all, you’re now officially a stalker and that in itself is creepy. Secondly, I was sick with a lung infection during that time and recovering. Just walking to the bathroom was physically taxing, nice try though. And I’m guessing you got banned from that forum, hence why you’re here. Meanwhile I voluntarily left the forum for personal reasons.

If anyone is a troll it’s probably you, and you can’t even make a good argument against my previous post, so of course you do what you typically do and resort to ad hominem attacks.
What’s funny is that nobody here likes you from the threads I’ve read so far. And I’m guessing you couldn’t cosplay as the forum leader at ProM as you would’ve quickly been exposed as a fraud.