Primo over 60 ?

I was at a hundred but then my blood came back and my testosterone was at 1345. I think the hghs are elevating it a little bit obviously that picture is not where I'm at it's where I'm hoping to be at and maybe a year
After harvesting muchninformation and insight from the members, here's what I came up with beginning in April,

Test C 80mg once a week
Primo 200mg 2x week bedtime ?
This is literally the opposite of the information and insight you harvested from members.

80mg test and 400mg primo weekly will absolutely crush your estrogen.

2:1 or 1:1 ratio of test to primo as @Grey Spartan said would be 80mg test/40mg primo or 80mg/80mg.
Well thank you there for jumping in before I did something stupid he did say that about the ratios earlier in his response and later on he said he takes 400 mg so he must be just taking a higher dose of testosterone.
if I start taking any more than 200 mg of test c and the acne starts popping , only on my upper/outter quads and barely on butt cheeks, but its enough to be ugly looking,
Man, I'm only at 50mg twice a week and my libido is in the pooper. Wifey isn't happy with the limp weenie:(