Primo over 60 ?

I was at a hundred but then my blood came back and my testosterone was at 1345. I think the hghs are elevating it a little bit obviously that picture is not where I'm at it's where I'm hoping to be at and maybe a year
After harvesting muchninformation and insight from the members, here's what I came up with beginning in April,

Test C 80mg once a week
Primo 200mg 2x week bedtime ?
This is literally the opposite of the information and insight you harvested from members.

80mg test and 400mg primo weekly will absolutely crush your estrogen.

2:1 or 1:1 ratio of test to primo as @Grey Spartan said would be 80mg test/40mg primo or 80mg/80mg.
Well thank you there for jumping in before I did something stupid he did say that about the ratios earlier in his response and later on he said he takes 400 mg so he must be just taking a higher dose of testosterone.
if I start taking any more than 200 mg of test c and the acne starts popping , only on my upper/outter quads and barely on butt cheeks, but its enough to be ugly looking,
Man, I'm only at 50mg twice a week and my libido is in the pooper. Wifey isn't happy with the limp weenie:(
E2 in range? Prolactin not sky high?

Maybe try Proviron if you did not have primo in the system yet
I'm not sure I'm going to get blood work hopefully that'll give me a few ideas. No I do not have the Primo yet I'm trying to find a reliable source been spending a week going through all the sponsors half of them are duds.
I'm not sure I'm going to get blood work hopefully that'll give me a few ideas. No I do not have the Primo yet I'm trying to find a reliable source been spending a week going through all the sponsors half of them are duds.
Primo/Mast is nearly impossible to find. Luckily i got 175mg Primo in stock myself for the next 2 years

If E2 and Prolactin are normal, look at Cialis 5mg every day and PT141 micro-dosing -> 300-500mcg every 3-4 days.
I am 65 on 210mg Test and 105mg of primo a week now with daily injections. Been doing that sort of dose most of the year for a few years now. Quit doing big cycles in my early 50's. I figure any gear at this point is shortening my life span. And the big cycles in the past shortened things as well, how much time will tell.
I am 65 on 210mg Test and 105mg of primo a week now with daily injections. Been doing that sort of dose most of the year for a few years now. Quit doing big cycles in my early 50's. I figure any gear at this point is shortening my life span. And the big cycles in the past shortened things as well, how much time will tell.
Ok, Im kinda curious how you feel its shortening your life span.. Your numbers arent much more than clinic dosed you blood work jacked or are you showing symptoms of anything? I can see doing big cycles might not help but low dose? I just curious since Im in the same age bracket and feel pretty damn good overall. No cardiac issues, no organ issues, etc.
Ok, Im kinda curious how you feel its shortening your life span.. Your numbers arent much more than clinic dosed you blood work jacked or are you showing symptoms of anything? I can see doing big cycles might not help but low dose? I just curious since Im in the same age bracket and feel pretty damn good overall. No cardiac issues, no organ issues, etc.
Well for one thing in general the bigger some one is the shorter the life span seems to be. As internal organs need to work harder to support things. And if your body is working harder to keep things in a healthy range as far as blood work that is still more wear and tare as i see it. Which accumulated damage as time goes by. My numbers are all good for decades. cholesterol around 140-150, BP is up to 120/64 these days, EGRF around 85 etc. But had a calcium score done and my arteries are far harder then most my age even though i have god numbers, healthy diet and worked out al my life.
What is your calcium score, ejection fraction etc. Have you had them tested? Feeling fine and being healthy is not the same thing. Many people feel great right up to the point they don't.
I am 65 on 210mg Test and 105mg of primo a week now with daily injections. Been doing that sort of dose most of the year for a few years now. Quit doing big cycles in my early 50's. I figure any gear at this point is shortening my life span. And the big cycles in the past shortened things as well, how much time will tell.
I'm on on 100mg and they wanted to lower it to 80mg because my blood test came back at 1300 for test. I just went for new BW today and will post it when I get it. I'm actually pumped to add a small dose 40mg of Primo a week, that's if I can find any:(
Well for one thing in general the bigger some one is the shorter the life span seems to be. As internal organs need to work harder to support things. And if your body is working harder to keep things in a healthy range as far as blood work that is still more wear and tare as i see it. Which accumulated damage as time goes by.
What is your calcium score, ejection fraction etc. Have you had them tested? Feeling fine and being healthy is not the same thing. Many people feel great right up to the point they don't.
EF is good, stress test is good and I decided against doing a Calcium CT I eat well, exercise, and have mostly no bad habits. A Ca CT cant be changed by lifestyle or meds for the most part so if you get a zero, great! If you get a 489, well shit, something else to stress about that you can do nothing for.

Youre correct about the size thing, and I honestly didnt look at that angle. At the same time, maintaining a decent mass (not supersized) means working out which helps with cardiovascular health. I think a lot comes down to realizing we are 60+ and not 20...though my head argues with me a lot on that.
I'm on on 100mg and they wanted to lower it to 80mg because my blood test came back at 1300 for test. I just went for new BW today and will post it when I get it. I'm actually pumped to add a small dose 40mg of Primo a week, that's if I can find any:(
Do as you please i always have. But a trough of 1300 means you are out of range all week. When my T lelves are over the range all week i call that a cycle. My blood work says whether i am on a cycle not the dose i am taking. But each to there own. You are one of the lucky ones that can get by with a low dose of T
EF is good, stress test is good and I decided against doing a Calcium CT I eat well, exercise, and have mostly no bad habits. A Ca CT cant be changed by lifestyle or meds for the most part so if you get a zero, great! If you get a 489, well shit, something else to stress about that you can do nothing for.

Youre correct about the size thing, and I honestly didnt look at that angle. At the same time, maintaining a decent mass (not supersized) means working out which helps with cardiovascular health. I think a lot comes down to realizing we are 60+ and not 20...though my head argues with me a lot on that.
My reading shows that CA scores can't be lowered. The risk of heart disease can. But if you have any good studies showing where score actually drop i would be interested. I have seen a couple small studies with nattokinase or MK-7 that point to them lowering scores. But they were small lab studies and those often don't apply well in the real world i find.

I started working out in 1973 and got interested in health and nutrition in the late 1970's and have read things since then. Fruit or veggies every meal low fat protein my whole life little processed foods, omega 3's for over 35 years have been a priority etc. Usually goes years at a time without a day sick. Only missed 3 days of work my whole life as i was to ill to go in.

I look at longevity when looking at health then just decide how much i am willing to compromise it. If something doesn't seem to have enough value for my quality of life to be shortened i don't do it.