Primobolan - underrated for muscle gain?

I absolutely respect your opinion man, you definitely know your stuff based on your post history. I guess we all weight the risks of certain steroids we introduce into our own bodies. Ya know what I mean?

I personally would not use EQ because I was an alcoholic for a very long time in my younger years, so my kidney health is paramount.

Here are some articles you might find interesting. I'm still doing more research into EQ but so far I'm not comfortable using it

Show me the research that says Primo is safe on kidneys, none.....

If you listen carefully to Coach Steve, which reads a ton of researches, in the end said that no steroid is safe and the ONLY way to go is to use them and do bloods.

Take EQ/Primo, do C Statine C blood test and evaluate.
Show me the research that says Primo is safe on kidneys, none.....

If you listen carefully to Coach Steve, which reads a ton of researches, in the end said that no steroid is safe and the ONLY way to go is to use them and do bloods.

Take EQ/Primo, do C Statine C blood test and evaluate.
I don't know who coach Steve is lol

Show me research that shows primo isn't safe for the kidneys. Isn't that what you should be asking?
in the end said that no steroid is safe and the ONLY way to go is to use them and do bloods.
Good point. Add heart and other organ surveillance (onerous) to the blood work.

For those interested, At least read the conclusion to better under the mechanisms in play with the kidneys. Abuse of any androgen can be detrimental especially with the additional factors involved with BB.

They include potentiating RAAS, enhancing the production of endothelin, producing reactive oxygen species, promoting oxidative stress, inducing apoptosis and inflammatory cytokines (such as TNF-α, IL-1b, and IL-6), and over-expression of pro-fibrotic and pro-apoptotic mediators, such as TGF-β1. However, it should be noted that kidney involvement in athletes receiving anabolic-androgenic steroids can be at least partially attributed to other independent factors and mechanisms such as high-protein diet (via increase in renal blood flow and GFR), elevated blood pressure (via hypertensive arterionephrosclerosis), bile acid nephropathy (secondary to cholestatic jaundice), rhabdomyolysis, and nephrocalcinosis (secondary to exogenous vitamin D intoxication
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Show me research that shows primo isn't safe for the kidneys
Abusive use of any AAS is not safe for the kidney. Nothing special about methenolone. See article posted above. Get familiar with mechanisms in play with supraphysiologic dosages of AAS with respect to kidney. Throw in individual tolerance, preexisting issues, lifestyle, etc.

"Coach" readalot LOL (don't have a youtube channel)
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Be careful guys and gals.

When two parties are in a discussion and one makes a claim that the other disputes, the one who makes the claim typically has a burden of proof to justify or substantiate that claim, especially when it challenges a perceived status quo.[1] This is also stated in Hitchens's razor, which declares that "what may be asserted without evidence may be dismissed without evidence." Carl Sagan proposed a related criterion – "extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence" – which is known as the Sagan standard.[2


Someone claims AAS (as in a PE&ID context) are safe for the kidney. Who has the burden of proof? Especially in light of what we know about kidney physiology and evidence to date.
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Abusive use of any AAS is not safe for the kidney. Nothing special about methenolone. See article posted above. Get familiar with mechanisms in play with supraphysiologic dosages of AAS with respect to kidney. Throw in individual tolerance, preexisting issues, lifestyle, etc.

"Coach" readalot LOL (don't have a youtube channel)
Some AAS have documented hepatic and renal toxicity. Metenolone is not one of them: if it has any hepatic and/or renal toxicity, it's not sufficiently pronounced as to gain the notoriety of, for example, Superdrol.

In Japan they prescribe this stuff to old ladies with muscle wasting. The "AAS are ALL bad for you" disclaimer notwithstanding, the reputation of metenolone for safety is well-earned.
I don't fully trust that stuff. I haven't found any literature about it, but it seems rather easy for an intramolecular SN2 reaction to occur between the trichlorinated carbon and the -OH, forming an epoxide, which is a potential alkylating agent (albeit a sterically-hindered one). That carbon is very electrophilic due to the presence of the 3 chlorines.
Thanks again for bringing this up. Nice review:

Check out the derived PDE.
That whole thing seems a bit questionable. None of the tox studies were definitive, and it even tested positive on one of the AMES tests. Then they proceeded to use a LOEL that was ridiculously high to derive the PDE.

I'm not saying that this stuff is that toxic, but this seems very sketchy. They even state:

"The published toxicological studies were not considered suitable to derive a PDE for chlorobutanol due to severe limitations of these studies with respect to study design and treatment durations."
That whole thing seems a bit questionable. None of the tox studies were definitive, and it even tested positive on one of the AMES tests. Then they proceeded to use a LOEL that was ridiculously high to derive the PDE.

I'm not saying that this stuff is that toxic, but this seems very sketchy. They even state:

"The published toxicological studies were not considered suitable to derive a PDE for chlorobutanol due to severe limitations of these studies with respect to study design and treatment durations."
Using that PDE for 50 kg human, the long term dose of Himka TE works out to be 140 mg/week max (5 mg CB per 200 mg of TE).

I don't like the cardiotoxicity risks. Perhaps the Empower 2% BA test enanthate the "safer" option.

Thanks for taking a look.
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Using that PDE for 50 kg human, the long term dose of Himka TE works out to be 140 mg/week max (5 mg CB per 200 mg of TE).

I don't like the cardiotoxicity risks. Perhaps the Empower 2% BA test enanthate the "safer" option.

Thanks for taking a look.
140 mg/week if you want to be right at the PDE haha. I would definitely switch to the Empower TE.

I have my doubts about benzoic acid as well though (thermodynamically- and entropically-favored decarboxylation to form CO2 and benzene). But that shit seems to be in everything. Chemistry can ruin anything. The activation energy is probably rather high though, so unless it's exposed to high heat (like when brewing), the reaction probably won't occur to a significant degree.
Show me the research that says Primo is safe on kidneys, none.....

If you listen carefully to Coach Steve, which reads a ton of researches, in the end said that no steroid is safe and the ONLY way to go is to use them and do bloods.

Take EQ/Primo, do C Statine C blood test and evaluate.
“Coach Steve” is a moronic hackfraud and anyone who listens to him carefully will gain insight into nothing but the tragic consequences of fetal alcohol syndrome.