@Trenity injectable sdrol is mean. My last day of anadrol and anavar, I decided to throw in 15mg of the sdrol about 25mins pwo. Literally I felt the shit creeping through my body, not sure if this is normal, I have literally been sweating like $2 whore in church, all day, and throughout the night. My libido is still sky high, on the 400mg of
@Trenity sustanon, so no complains there. I am also on 300mg of tren e/wk. wondering if maybe the sweat of from the tren, but I usually don’t get it as bad as it’s been at 300mg. I have to say, that the day I ran a anavar, anadrol, and sdrol preworkout, was insane. Literally stacking plates. Curious, would it make sense to still continue using masteron prop, if using superdrol, or should I just save my mast p for later on