problem with payment with a wizard

I'm not familiar with the thread or the rep. The other Pharmaqo thread there were issues there that I got involved in as well. This members order is good sized can be seen in the screenshots he posted. 1,700 plus Euros. I'm going to link up the screenshots for the rep in that thread and see what he has to say.
The rep tried to have the final word or hopes he was going to have the final word and asked me not to bring anything that has to do from this particular member to "HIS" thread. That's enough to annoy me. Its not his thread. Its OUR thread and I'll post whatever I see fit.

Like I said...if it turns out this member isn't being honest I'll be upset. I'm not thrilled that he just registered last week. He doesn't have anything invested in his handle. Meaning he could be using me and he has nothing to lose if he is banned or if I posted around that member so and so tried to scam a source. A member who has been around and is known here and other boards wouldn't be so quick to try and scam.

I'm saying this out loud so the OP and members can see what I'm thinking and can see how things play out. I've already got some time invested and the order this member is talking about is a goos chunk of change. If he has been taken I'd like to see him made whole. The source needs to be exposed if he is in fact lying and he is scamming. If he isn't then its going to get ugly.
Mr PQR or similar is his name. He’s the pharmaqo sponsor on here
First, I'm about members being taken care of. I think you should take the info over to the EuPharmaqo thread. You don't need to type it out all over again. How about this, I'll link the up the post you made with the screenshots so that everyone can see it.

I have to say that I don't understand everything he said in his response to me? Perhaps some stuff is lost in translation? Its clear that he is saying that you received a refund from your bank? I want to be perfectly clear here that you HAVE NOT RECEIVED A REFUND FROM YOUR BANK? Correct? I don't mind going to bat for you here. I need you to be completely honest with me. If it turns out you are trying to reverse scam this vendor and are using me to help you scam I will do whatever I can to get you blacklisted from the Community. I'ts happened before.

I will say this vendor has had some serious issues that he dealing with now. He said you caused him to not be able to use some payment method. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here. You have posted evidence that supports your position. You stated that you had posted enough. I may ask you to post more to satisfy myself and others that you haven't left out things that could cast a different light on the situation.

I hope you come over to the thread and make your case where it really should be made....the Eupharmaqo thread. MESO-Rx Sponsor - EuPharmaqo - EU DOMESTIC
I did not receive a refund from the bank, because there is no such option for bank card payment anywhere in the world! Ask any bank!

From my evidence it is clear that he received the money on May 7th, because he sent this, then after he lied that he didn't receive it, I asked for an official document from my bank on May 15th that he received the money!

I have been a regular online customer of the original Pharmaq for 4-5 years worth $2-3000 per month! They (Batman) were very fair to me when 2 of my packages disappeared at the beginning of the year, they immediately sent a new package! I started ordering from Eupharmaqo in February because of the faster delivery, my first 3 orders were fine, and now he's trying to scam me! I show all the evidence, but he nothing, he just talks.....


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