MESO-Rx Sponsor EuPharmaqo - EU DOMESTIC

I honestly would order something with the 40% off but I’m still waiting the tracking for the order made 3 months ago

Still can’t understand how everything is back to normal with daily shippings when not even the old orders are sorted
the same for me, I have yet to receive my order track (with orders still to be processed it seems stupid to me to offer discounts and accept new orders)
fuck seems like there was some issue with Meso and all the comments since yesterday were removed from all threads
My post is still in your thread? The client of yours or your company has posted some screenshots in the thread I linked you up to. It looks like he is owed by you or your associates.
He's asked the board for assistance. That's why I'm here. If it isn't you who can help hows about letting your people know that a client of theirs needs help.
I would appreciate a post or pm or something that shows I'm not being ignored. I hope to be able to thank you for your help.
My post is still in your thread? The client of yours or your company has posted some screenshots in the thread I linked you up to. It looks like he is owed by you or your associates.
He's asked the board for assistance. That's why I'm here. If it isn't you who can help hows about letting your people know that a client of theirs needs help.
I would appreciate a post or pm or something that shows I'm not being ignored. I hope to be able to thank you for your help.
I answered you. A laaarge explanation about this guy, and seems like all that was written in Meso today was deleted in all threads, not just in this one (you can check other threads also and you will see that messages got deleted because some backup, on a specific timeframe)

I wont take another 30 minutes explaining because this guy does not deserve it. Long story short, I had a credit card payment proccessing provider. I was paying him 15% of the profits to take credit cards. This guy used that gateway, and as you know, there was a few delays on shipping.

This guy got paranoid, filled a complain at his bank saying he has been a victim of fraud with his credit card. This MR. Albert Einstein suited the company we were using to get the money saying he got scammed. And he did a chargeback.

So my provider contacted me saying there was a file complain in the name of "THIS GUY" saying the company has been scamming, and that the guy did a chargeback. Provider of course, banned me from using the gateway for security reasons. For all the ones asking about what happened with Credit Card payments, this guy is the reason it was deleted.

Now that he has his chargeback (or probably his bank denied the chargeback? who knows, because I cannot even see the proccessor anymore or take the money I had out), he probably wants to fuck me up a little bit seeing that all the guys are getting their orders and discounts.

No matter what, do not bring any MR. Albert Einstein related stuff to my thread, thanks
remember to wait until payment confirmation appears at checkout

if you are not sure about the order being confirmed please mail me and I ll manually check

Since my post also got lost in the meso data loss:

Received my order yesterday as well, thanks a lot for that!

To send again a reminder: please try to think about a better packaging than using a plastic bag (also perhaps think about stealth options), a carton/box will provide much more stability during transfer and help to avoid broken vials (unfortunately one of mine was broken - had to give the other stuff a little wash with detergent :D).
Maybe it was also just this time due to amount of orders and time pressure, I didn't order before.

The freebies were quite nice: Test P 100, Anavar 50, Anadrol 50. :)
I answered you. A laaarge explanation about this guy, and seems like all that was written in Meso today was deleted in all threads, not just in this one (you can check other threads also and you will see that messages got deleted because some backup, on a specific timeframe)

I wont take another 30 minutes explaining because this guy does not deserve it. Long story short, I had a credit card payment proccessing provider. I was paying him 15% of the profits to take credit cards. This guy used that gateway, and as you know, there was a few delays on shipping.

This guy got paranoid, filled a complain at his bank saying he has been a victim of fraud with his credit card. This MR. Albert Einstein suited the company we were using to get the money saying he got scammed. And he did a chargeback.

So my provider contacted me saying there was a file complain in the name of "THIS GUY" saying the company has been scamming, and that the guy did a chargeback. Provider of course, banned me from using the gateway for security reasons. For all the ones asking about what happened with Credit Card payments, this guy is the reason it was deleted.

Now that he has his chargeback (or probably his bank denied the chargeback? who knows, because I cannot even see the proccessor anymore or take the money I had out), he probably wants to fuck me up a little bit seeing that all the guys are getting their orders and discounts.

No matter what, do not bring any MR. Albert Einstein related stuff to my thread, thanks
You did reply to my post yesterday. Thank you for that. I appreciate that. The last sentence in your post asked me to not bring anything about the member in question to your thread. I just want to remind members and vendors that these threads belong to us, the members.

I'm looking forward to ending this thing quickly. I'm going to post a link to the post where the member has posted screenshots to support his claim that you folks owe him his order.

I made clear to the member that if he is lying and using me to further his reverse scamming attempt that I will do all I can to run his name throughout the Community so that he can't easily do it again. I'll also post in the open an apology to you for wasting your time and giving this member more credit than he deserved while he soiled ur name.

I hope you can understand where I'm coming from? The order isn't chump change. If you have proof or evidence to refute what this member has posted up by all means please bring it forward. I ask that you edit out all personal identifying info before posting.

I'm not asking you to drop everything to do as I've asked but if you could reply in a timely manner I would appreciate it. I don't know anything about you or your company. If members in the thread wouldn't mind looking at things and give their opinions on the situation I'll thank them for taking the time to do so.

I answered you. A laaarge explanation about this guy, and seems like all that was written in Meso today was deleted in all threads, not just in this one (you can check other threads also and you will see that messages got deleted because some backup, on a specific timeframe)

I wont take another 30 minutes explaining because this guy does not deserve it. Long story short, I had a credit card payment proccessing provider. I was paying him 15% of the profits to take credit cards. This guy used that gateway, and as you know, there was a few delays on shipping.

This guy got paranoid, filled a complain at his bank saying he has been a victim of fraud with his credit card. This MR. Albert Einstein suited the company we were using to get the money saying he got scammed. And he did a chargeback.

So my provider contacted me saying there was a file complain in the name of "THIS GUY" saying the company has been scamming, and that the guy did a chargeback. Provider of course, banned me from using the gateway for security reasons. For all the ones asking about what happened with Credit Card payments, this guy is the reason it was deleted.

Now that he has his chargeback (or probably his bank denied the chargeback? who knows, because I cannot even see the proccessor anymore or take the money I had out), he probably wants to fuck me up a little bit seeing that all the guys are getting their orders and discounts.

No matter what, do not bring any MR. Albert Einstein related stuff to my thread, thanks
Take 2 minutes, call any bank and ask if it is possible to request a chargeback when paying by bank card! Everyone says NO!!! I've shown all the evidence, now you're next!!! I have been a good customer of original Pharmaqo for 4-5 years, I was hoping that you would become my seller regularly due to the fast delivery, but it seems that you don't want to!
I answered you. A laaarge explanation about this guy, and seems like all that was written in Meso today was deleted in all threads, not just in this one (you can check other threads also and you will see that messages got deleted because some backup, on a specific timeframe)

I wont take another 30 minutes explaining because this guy does not deserve it. Long story short, I had a credit card payment proccessing provider. I was paying him 15% of the profits to take credit cards. This guy used that gateway, and as you know, there was a few delays on shipping.

This guy got paranoid, filled a complain at his bank saying he has been a victim of fraud with his credit card. This MR. Albert Einstein suited the company we were using to get the money saying he got scammed. And he did a chargeback.

So my provider contacted me saying there was a file complain in the name of "THIS GUY" saying the company has been scamming, and that the guy did a chargeback. Provider of course, banned me from using the gateway for security reasons. For all the ones asking about what happened with Credit Card payments, this guy is the reason it was deleted.

Now that he has his chargeback (or probably his bank denied the chargeback? who knows, because I cannot even see the proccessor anymore or take the money I had out), he probably wants to fuck me up a little bit seeing that all the guys are getting their orders and discounts.

No matter what, do not bring any MR. Albert Einstein related stuff to my thread, thanks
This member with the issues is bringing evidence in the form of screenshots of statements and messages between himself and whomever it is from your outfit.

Your word that you were told something from a contact from a financial situation that this member received a chargeback is hearsay and isn't going to cut it. Its not going to put an end to things here.

I hope you didn't become aware that the customer you were dealing with wasn't a registered member here or any other board that you have a presence and that helped you decide to not fill his order. That has happened in the past. I have to say, from what I've seen so far, things are looking like this member is owed.

I don't offer assistance to every member who posts they have a problem with a source. After seeing the evidence and taking into consideration that he wasn't a registered member along with the amount of money involved I've decided to lend a hand. English isn't the members first language leaves him at a disadvantage navigating our board as well.

I'd like to give you, the source in qestion, the opportunity to simply fill the members order before this turns into a big thing here. If you do that regardless of why its gotten this far and why you did what you did I'll collect the member with the issue and leave your thread. Before we go I'll thank you for helping out the new member and myself as well.

If you aren't going to fill the members order and instead decide to refute the allegations and you show that the member was given a chargeback and he attempted to reverse scam you I will apologize and then will run him out of the Community for wasting my time and for trying to soil your reputation with bullshit.

On that end, if its shown that you did scam this member and wasted my time trying to lie about it...well then, its going to be a long week. I've been around a very long time and I'm well know around the Community. I can be a pain in the ass.

So, the ball is in your court. I've got the member with the issue posting here in your thread. What can you show me to refute the allegations this member has made?
Hi to all
I have a very big problem. I was ordering on the site and the only way to pay was btc. I paid, but my wallet applied small fee, which results in a transition already unconfirmed. I can’t change rbf ( tomorrow I call my bank to see what it can do). So I advertise Eupharmaqo to wait until he received the btc ( he can takes days and even weeks) because the payment can’t be cancelled. Today I was opening my account and the eupharmaqo site says order was cancelled, so what’s now? Here’s the evidence that I pay and the order cancelled


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Take 2 minutes, call any bank and ask if it is possible to request a chargeback when paying by bank card! Everyone says NO!!!


This member with the issues is bringing evidence in the form of screenshots of statements and messages between himself and whomever it is from your outfit.

Your word that you were told something from a contact from a financial situation that this member received a chargeback is hearsay and isn't going to cut it. Its not going to put an end to things here.

I hope you didn't become aware that the customer you were dealing with wasn't a registered member here or any other board that you have a presence and that helped you decide to not fill his order. That has happened in the past. I have to say, from what I've seen so far, things are looking like this member is owed.

I don't offer assistance to every member who posts they have a problem with a source. After seeing the evidence and taking into consideration that he wasn't a registered member along with the amount of money involved I've decided to lend a hand. English isn't the members first language leaves him at a disadvantage navigating our board as well.

I'd like to give you, the source in qestion, the opportunity to simply fill the members order before this turns into a big thing here. If you do that regardless of why its gotten this far and why you did what you did I'll collect the member with the issue and leave your thread. Before we go I'll thank you for helping out the new member and myself as well.

If you aren't going to fill the members order and instead decide to refute the allegations and you show that the member was given a chargeback and he attempted to reverse scam you I will apologize and then will run him out of the Community for wasting my time and for trying to soil your reputation with bullshit.

On that end, if its shown that you did scam this member and wasted my time trying to lie about it...well then, its going to be a long week. I've been around a very long time and I'm well know around the Community. I can be a pain in the ass.

So, the ball is in your court. I've got the member with the issue posting here in your thread. What can you show me to refute the allegations this member has made?

Don't believe this guy. What probably happened is that the proccessor bank won the appeal, and his bank denied him the chargeback.

Sadly I cannot even check it because thanks to him, the account at the proccessor is closed.

The two messages you have above you are two guys getting their stuff even with free gifts. There was also a guy in the French community that got scammed around 400e a few days ago by someone that has a clon of the Pharmaqo website and is scamming people. I sent his order for free.


Now sit down for a minute and think, do you really think that a guy that makes this actions is scamming someone? Think it twice before using your name to defend someone, especially when you use threats. Wont lose any more time with this in the future.
Hi to all
I have a very big problem. I was ordering on the site and the only way to pay was btc. I paid, but my wallet applied small fee, which results in a transition already unconfirmed. I can’t change rbf ( tomorrow I call my bank to see what it can do). So I advertise Eupharmaqo to wait until he received the btc ( he can takes days and even weeks) because the payment can’t be cancelled. Today I was opening my account and the eupharmaqo site says order was cancelled, so what’s now? Here’s the evidence that I pay and the order cancelled

The site cancels the order automatically after 6 hours if he does not get the exact payment. But thats just an automatic procedure. Once the payment is completed just mail me and I will manually change it, and send your stuff.

If the coins are sent rest assured, they wont be lost and you will never lose a peny with me. Mail me the order ID and transaction
The site cancels the order automatically after 6 hours if he does not get the exact payment. But thats just an automatic procedure. Once the payment is completed just mail me and I will manually change it, and send your stuff.

If the coins are sent rest assured, they wont be lost and you will never lose a peny with me. Mail me the order ID and transaction
Ok I will update you once confirmed
for those interested, tried Test E 300 and absolutely no PIP, smooth like butter for me and i had problems in the past with the same compound from other sources (cat cafe etc)