Propionate ester: increased urination


New Member
Hi guys

Does anyone experience increased urination when running prop ester ?

Like maybe 6 hours post injection I start running to the bathroom as if I’m on a diuretic. No problems going so not prostate IMO but just urinating loads of volume.

Haven’t experienced this with enanthate or cyp, or even test base. And I’ve pinned 50 mgs of base (oil) , and test prop I’ve pinned 50-100 mgs in a single shot and still get the bathroom runs

I’ve never run Masteron but noticed guys complaining about urinating at night. I’ll get that from prop when I pin closer to evenings (I believe it’s 9h to peak plasma for test p). I wonder if the Mast-p is really the prop that’s causing the urination.

If it’s the prop ester does this make it more toxic ? Or worse for kidneys ?

I’d be happy to switch to pin test base 2x a day vs eod prop , or try ordering phenyl prop (4-5d half life IIRC Vs 2d for prop)

Thoughts ?
Urination is a usual sideffect of mast prop. You shouldn't worry about toxicity unless you're gear is impure.
I already piss like mad and my FIRST cycle at 46 is Test Prop/Mast Prop. Only because that's what I could get that seemed reasonable after checking everything out. Test E(at the price point) wasnt available.