You will have genuine customer purchased results? You will be able to fake them in anyway you want. Meso should find and option we could all trust and not your follow your agenda here.
AS I already mentioned why would I do such a thing, why?
Ive NEVER had dealings with NAPs good or bad and I can promise you this I have NO VESTED INTEREST AS YOU DO!
I'm looking to locate the GGOD and the BAD labs based on consumer evidence and not something posted on behalf of Naps on a thread THEY BEGAN on Meso to advance sales.
Oh and to date I haven't made ONE CENT off these analyses, any monies collected would be used for either purchasing the products or the aquisition chemical standards, solvents or other needed equipment.
Somehow I suspect after some 7K posts on this forum alone, I KNOW my credibility will extend MUCH FURTHER THAN YOURS, like it or not.
Finally while acquiring MS data is readily accomplished thru various websites, obtaining similar data for a HPLC is essentially nonexistent and ANYONE with a reasonable degree of training would recognize the discrepancies, just as I have done.
Why don't you take a look at the Western Biologic tests I had conducted, you believe those results are biased,tainted or in any way altered, NOT!
Finally why is it Meso's obligation to "find a way" for YOU to enhance sales? I mean crap your already allowed to advertise FOR NOTHING, so why doesn't NAPS "find a way"!
Anyway nice try for suggesting I would alter the results, you'll have to give that another go, fella