PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Hey guys, do you think the moon is made of cheese? If so, what kind of cheese and would you eat it? Would you prefer to eat it with wine or maybe a beer or something? :D

Okay, i'm done. Good luck you cheap fuckers. i don't need the gear, just wanted to push the post count up so this thread can go back to the typical off topic fighting and name calling that we're all used to.
Hey guys, do you think the moon is made off cheese? If so, what kind of cheese and would you eat it? Would you prefer to eat it with wine or maybe a beer or something? :D

Okay, i'm done. Good luck you cheap fuckers. i don't need the gear, just wanted to push the post count up so this thread can go back to the typical off topic fighting and name calling that we're all used to.
I prefer my cheese with butt expulsion
That would be awesome!
20 or so juiced up guys from all over the country meeting up in some small town, eating 4 tons of various animal flesh, and scouring the town for the girl in @MisterSuperGod 's avatar.
That would make the newspaper.
It would be like, "your a shill I knew it. Your fucking bullet train huh. You gear whore. Bro show me what u eat. Bro dr scally didn't show maybe he's not a real docter. Rob frogma IS roger rabbit HUH???"