PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Watching Naked and Afraid. Some of these dudes are real pussies. The one that sticks out to me the most was the really buff South African guy who tapped out on day 9. He was more concerned about eating 6 chicken breasts and 10 egg meals. Dude seriously pissed me off.
I tried out but they told me I couldn't bring the whole duration worth of meal prep so I said fuck you
From what bro?

Was that gonna be his daily intake?
Nah, he was complaining that he was used to eating that much and daydreaming about those days and was being a lil bitch because he couldn’t start a fire and wanted more food. Like, dude - go kill something! The woman outlasted his bitch ass and finished the 21 days.
Nah, he was complaining that he was used to eating that much and daydreaming about those days and was being a lil bitch because he couldn’t start a fire and wanted more food. Like, dude - go kill something! The woman outlasted his bitch ass and finished the 21 days.
There was a guy on Survivor like that. He quit on the first day lol.
i would like to preemptively apologize to future readers who are going to smash their keyboards in anger when they have to wade through the last 50 pages of drivel to find relevant information regarding this source.

God speed to you, mother fuckers. :D