I've been there many times... But how about this...
Paper Anabolics (Steroids)
Paper Anabolics are an excellent chemical alternative to their tablet counterparts
You have in the Paper Anabolics primarily high-grade raw chemical, i.e. Methandienone, Oxymetholone, Stanazol, etc., as you would expect to find in the tablet form.
The primary reason for our pursuing and developing the Paper Anabolics concept was to counter customer concerns for ordering overseas (e.g. from Amazing Thailand) certain forms of anabolic steroids.
Now, 8 months down the line with countless envelopes having been posted we can report a 99% success rate through Customs to date.
= This got my mind turning and the process is not as time consuming as capping... I heard someone trying to make gummy steroids... They molded fast and they scratched it...
Paper steroids have been done... So paper caber may not be to much of a stretch.. U can spray the solution on the paper.. Anyways.. Food for thought.