PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Hey @ScabbyJr I've never used any of the tests, does it mention anything on there about the phenylprop ester? Just curious if it would show the same since it's been mentioned recently that some sources may be using pp instead of prop. Not that i would personally give a shit tbh cuz I'd pin it the same
Hey @ScabbyJr I've never used any of the tests, does it mention anything on there about the phenylprop ester? Just curious if it would show the same since it's been mentioned recently that some sources may be using pp instead of prop. Not that i would personally give a shit tbh cuz I'd pin it the same
No, no phenyl prop with these. Cyp, enanthate, prop and sust for test. Maybe with NPP.
I like ppl, i really do but their consistent lack of in stock domestic leaves me not feeling great about future orders. Just too many issues.
I have a golf ball in my right quad since Monday! its from POG gear after he switched to Mig oil also. How long usually for that to go away?