PurplePandaLabs Raw source

I probably do...I’ve not had test flu before, or whatever this is, but it just hit me like a ton of bricks and 8 feel like complete shit...damnit...I hope this goes away soon
it ain't test flu, it's a reaction of your body to some substance, either oil, or high hormone concentration or solvent or whatever.
OR, it could be that you grazed nerve.
Same happened to me, sudden uncontrollable chills, felk like a shit and had around 37 to 38 body temp then those chills came and I was like WHOAA wtf is this shit, i went straight to the hot bath and stayed there for like an hour.

Take some 400mg ibuprofen it will do wonders, and check if you got any lump, red and warm spot, etc.
it ain't test flu, it's a reaction of your body to some substance, either oil, or high hormone concentration or solvent or whatever.
OR, it could be that you grazed nerve.
Same happened to me, sudden uncontrollable chills, felk like a shit and had around 37 to 38 body temp then those chills came and I was like WHOAA wtf is this shit, i went straight to the hot bath and stayed there for like an hour.

Take some 400mg ibuprofen it will do wonders, and check if you got any lump, red and warm spot, etc.
How long does it take to go away...did ur body adjust to it or did u stop ur cycle
How long does it take to go away...did ur body adjust to it or did u stop ur cycle
Crippling pain was about 4-5days, altogether around 7 days together with higher body temp, to be honest I've panicked little bit and was taking penicillin for 4 days.
It might be not necessary but i wanted to be on the safe side.
Last 2 days were just fine, ibuprofen helped quite a bit.
I didn't stopped cycle.
I just switched back to test propionate.
This happend to me from homebrewed blend of test prop 125mg/npp 125mg.
But as I said, it could be from grazed nerve or vein, combined with high hormone concentration.
Because I've pinned quad with some blend compound and quad was almost pipless, and then this happend with glute.
So you can understand I was hesitating to continue with this homemade blend:-D
Crippling pain was about 4-5days, altogether around 7 days together with higher body temp, to be honest I've panicked little bit and was taking penicillin for 4 days.
It might be not necessary but i wanted to be on the safe side.
Last 2 days were just fine, ibuprofen helped quite a bit.
I didn't stopped cycle.
I just switched back to test propionate.
This happend to me from homebrewed blend of test prop 125mg/npp 125mg.
But as I said, it could be from grazed nerve or vein, combined with high hormone concentration.
Because I've pinned quad with some blend compound and quad was almost pipless, and then this happend with glute.
So you can understand I was hesitating to continue with this homemade blend:-D
This is terrible lol...I hope this isn’t going to happen every shot
sure thing buddy, you go that route. When it goes sideways on you do Meso a favor and post up and let us know, because it is going to go sideways on you.

Have fun
This some old bullshit broscience myth that heating the finished gear would/should help with anything.
If there is any problem with the brew, either refilter and/or dilute with more carrier oil, nothing else to add here.
Well, each of their own, right?:)
I mean heat is a primary method. If you're not going to do that do the filters.
Usually someone in your shoes would get laughed at, hard. But seeing as you're playing with fire I wanted to at least link what happened to the last guy that didn't filter his gear; he used heat :)

You are being told these things because it's gospel. It works. If you do not filter your gear and put it into sterile vials, maintaining sterility from filter to capped vial, you will regret it.

If this wasn't a safety issue I'd let you crash and burn. All you're going to do is hurt yourself and make the brewing community look stupid. Use your head here. Put the damn book down and research how it's done in actual clinical practice.

Is amoxicillin the right way against an abscess??
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This some old bullshit broscience myth that heating the finished gear would/should help with anything.
If there is any problem with the brew, either refilter and/or dilute with more carrier oil, nothing else to add here.
Well, each of their own, right?:)
The killer is this guy will end up back in the PPL thread, or wherever he got his raw from, blasting the source for having dirty gear. Lmao, he is starting to overtake some of the other members as biggest dunce on the internet.
The killer is this guy will end up back in the PPL thread, or wherever he got his raw from, blasting the source for having dirty gear. Lmao, he is starting to overtake some of the other members as biggest dunce on the internet.
I don't know whats so hard to understand on the fact that once the brew goes through sterile 0.2micron filter, it's already sterile as it can be, provided your vials are sterile as well.
If something happens afterwards then it's either due to the high solvent or /high hormone concentration or bad technique or freak accident (nerve,vein) and last but not least, RAW quality.
But as it's been proven, many users brewed with PPL raws without any issue, me included, so this should not be the case.
"heat sterilizing" filtered gear is fucking retarded and wont solve anything.
I've posted some pictures of raws from different shitty source, and I can tell you that no matter how properly i've filtered gear from them me and 2 different persons had developing abcess after pining that shit but it was stopped with ATB before it went sideways.
I don't know whats so hard to understand on the fact that once the brew goes through sterile 0.2micron filter, it's already sterile as it can be, provided your vials are sterile as well.
If something happens afterwards then it's either due to the high solvent or /high hormone concentration or bad technique or freak accident (nerve,vein) and last but not least, RAW quality.
But as it's been proven, many users brewed with PPL raws without any issue, me included, so this should not be the case.
"heat sterilizing" filtered gear is fucking retarded and wont solve anything.
I've posted some pictures of raws from different shitty source, and I can tell you that no matter how properly i've filtered gear from them me and 2 different persons had developing abcess after pining that shit but it was stopped with ATB before it went sideways.
You had that unfinished oil posted yesterday, right? With that stuff in the bottom? Can you imagine this dude thinking heat will clean That? Have fun in the ER. Hope he has medical insurance
You had that unfinished oil posted yesterday, right? With that stuff in the bottom? Can you imagine this dude thinking heat will clean That? Have fun in the ER. Hope he has medical insurance
yup, it's a equipoise raw liquid, and that bottom stuff was not there before, so I imagine it's some kind of mold or something, no idea how it would get there as it was always stored properly. Must be shitty fucking raw from maxsuckingcockpro source, I'd fucking castrate those cunts if I could.
You know stealth packin from ppl?
Imagine those fucktards from maxpro sent around 500g of raws all just packed in a sack with name and all that shit and just wraped in a delivery company foil,
WHAT THE FUCK that's what I call stealth packing:-D
It was stuck at customs for about 6 or 7 months and then suddenly I've received it, with some samples taken apparently, but it doesn't matter as those raws are fucking worthless as far as I'm concerned.
:-D some people can't want to join darwin awards contest, or at least they want to try to join so bad:-D
yup, it's a equipoise raw liquid, and that bottom stuff was not there before, so I imagine it's some kind of mold or something, no idea how it would get there as it was always stored properly. Must be shitty fucking raw from maxsuckingcockpro source, I'd fucking castrate those cunts if I could.
You know stealth packin from ppl?
Imagine those fucktards from maxpro sent around 500g of raws all just packed in a sack with name and all that shit and just wraped in a delivery company foil,
:-D some people can't want to join darwin awards contest, or at least they want to try to join so bad:-D
That's crazy. If you do decide to use it throw 1% BA in it at the very least, I'd personally trash it but I'm wicked cautious. If anything is growing in it there is a 100% chance there isn't any real amount BA in the oil.
That's crazy. If you do decide to use it throw 1% BA in it at the very least, I'd personally trash it but I'm wicked cautious. If anything is growing in it there is a 100% chance there isn't any real amount BA in the oil.
Mate, there isn't supposed to be any BA in there, it's not an oil.
What you've seen in picture is boldenone/equipoise raw which is in liquid form , honey like liquid. you weight it normally like raw, and you brew it with ba/bb.
That's what it is, or at least supposed to be

on the other note, recently i've brewed test enanthate 300, deca 300 and trenbolone ace 100 all from PPL raws. ( already brewed NPP and test prop from PPL months ago, all pipless).
Funny thing is that alpha pharm gear gives me pip and my own brew doesnt
All fucking pipless and smooth as well lubed fuck.
Mate, there isn't supposed to be any BA in there, it's not an oil.
What you've seen in picture is boldenone/equipoise raw which is in liquid form , honey like liquid.
That's what it is, or at least supposed to be
Oh, gotcha! I'm up to speed now, just getting my morning coffee in me!

EQ is absolutely thick and honey like
Mate, there isn't supposed to be any BA in there, it's not an oil.
What you've seen in picture is boldenone/equipoise raw which is in liquid form , honey like liquid. you weight it normally like raw, and you brew it with ba/bb.
That's what it is, or at least supposed to be

on the other note, recently i've brewed test enanthate 300, deca 300 and trenbolone ace 100 all from PPL raws.
All fucking pipless and smooth as fuck.

So that is how it comes as a raw.? So much for me to learn.. Lol
Test e and sustanon are bad about melting I wouldn't buy them to store for any amount of time.
Yeah, this is how my sustanon from one shitty source looks like after being properly stored:

deca and test enanthate looks similar.
It's thick as fuck and you gotta break it down to chunks in order to do anything with it.
Like for example put a mosquito in it, and have a movie prop from Jurrasic park