PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Yeah, this is how my sustanon from one shitty source looks like after being properly stored:

deca and test enanthate looks similar.
It's thick as fuck and you gotta break it down to chunks in order to do anything with it.
Like for example put a mosquito in it, and have a movie prop from Jurrasic park
I love sust but I hate to open a pack and see a melted bag i can fix it somewhat still aggravating.
Need a little input. Brewing DHB (first time brewing) should i stick with 100mg/ml?
or is it possible for me to do 150mg/ml.? if so does anyone have a working recipe.
i found one for dhb at 200mg/ml in the homebrew section, but i think that maybe over my head for a first time brewer. don't really want to end up with rock candy. thanks in advance.
Need a little input. Brewing DHB (first time brewing) should i stick with 100mg/ml?
or is it possible for me to do 150mg/ml.? if so does anyone have a working recipe.
i found one for dhb at 200mg/ml in the homebrew section, but i think that maybe over my head for a first time brewer. don't really want to end up with rock candy. thanks in advance.
Stick with 100mg per ml. 1%ba. 19~20%BB.
So these guys are for sure good to go ? I've been shopping for some raws. Seemed to be mixed reviews on everybody.
You need to read and then read some more. Then make a logical educated decision on yourbelf. Go back several pages and read on domestic and over the water. The more your educate yourself the better.
Usually someone in your shoes would get laughed at, hard. But seeing as you're playing with fire I wanted to at least link what happened to the last guy that didn't filter his gear; he used heat :)

You are being told these things because it's gospel. It works. If you do not filter your gear and put it into sterile vials, maintaining sterility from filter to capped vial, you will regret it.

If this wasn't a safety issue I'd let you crash and burn. All you're going to do is hurt yourself and make the brewing community look stupid. Use your head here. Put the damn book down and research how it's done in actual clinical practice.

Is amoxicillin the right way against an abscess??

The killer is this guy will end up back in the PPL thread, or wherever he got his raw from, blasting the source for having dirty gear. Lmao, he is starting to overtake some of the other members as biggest dunce on the internet.

The craziest thing is that you call someone a dunce when I provided a picture of information from a book and I'm only trying to engage in a conversation about this.. and all I've gotten was bro science myth shit from you guys.

No one has provided much info besides "you'll see" and "here's an anti-biotic" and it's useless to do. I get that you guys may have seen people do it wrong on this forum and I'll believe you on that.

So alright. Not sterilizing anything. PPL seems to be solid minus the mig oil being used. Fair enough.
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15 days is unacceptable for domestic. Business days? So 3 weeks? Either way still unacceptable.

No, total days. I’m admittedly disappointed, but my first pack arrived super quick so im not ready to say anything negative. Plus the Thanksgiving holiday...so Im giving them the benefit of the doubt
The craziest thing is that you call someone a dunce when I provided a picture of information from a book and I'm only trying to engage in a conversation about this.. and all I've gotten was bro science myth shit from you guys.

No one has provided much info besides "you'll see" and "here's an anti-biotic" and it's useless to do. I get that you guys may have seen people do it wrong on this forum and I'll believe you on that.

So alright. Fair enough.

Well this is straight from a pharmaceutical procedures handbook for technicians, not a guy that wrote some arbitrary underground steroid handbook. .

And while dry heat sterilization is referenced as being best used in the sterilization of mineral oil ,zinc oxide ,ect . All things you wont be injecting sq or im into your body , but not oil based injectables...then goes on to clearly say filtration with a minimum of a .22 pore filter is the easiest and most readily used method of filtration in a pharmaceutical setting .

If you wanna take a chance with dry heat go for it , but dont sit here and try to argue the point that dry heat sterilization is the standard . If you havent noticed harm reduction is a focal point of meso , and bad infomation like dry heat sterilization is ok for oil based injectables is detrimental to that cause....

Well this is straight from a pharmaceutical procedures handbook for technicians, not a guy that wrote some arbitrary underground steroid handbook. .

And while dry heat sterilization is referenced as being best used in the sterilization of mineral oil ,zinc oxide ,ect . All things you wont be injecting sq or im into your body , but not oil based injectables...then goes on to clearly say filtration with a minimum of a .22 pore filter is the easiest and most readily used method of filtration in a pharmaceutical setting .

If you wanna take a chance with dry heat go for it , but dont sit here and try to argue the point that dry heat sterilization is the standard . If you havent noticed harm reduction is a focal point of meso , and bad infomation like dry heat sterilization is ok for oil based injectables is detrimental to that cause....

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This is perfect. Thank you.
The high concentration combined with a new carrier is probably something you're not used to.
The first time I ran high doses I felt like I was dying from some kind of flu.
Thanks for the reply...yes this is the highest concentration I’ve used before...450mg/ml combined between the test and deca...other than this I’ve never used a blend before(or a super high concentration)...assuming it is what you say(concentration and a new oil or something that my body doesn’t like), how long do u think it will take for this reaction not to happen to me anymore?

FYI: the shivers and death feeling already went away...they lasted several hours then disappeared...so that is a good sign...however, I really hope this doesn’t happen every time I pin, cuz that feeling was terrible