PurplePandaLabs Raw source

You guys about to run trest e might want to start with the acetate ester first just incase you get bad sides.
I have serious gyno just with 30mg Dbol when taking 25mg of mesterolone + 0.5mg Anastrozole EOD. Will never try Trestolone unless I wanna change my sex identity haha
You guys about to run trest e might want to start with the acetate ester first just incase you get bad sides.
Ppl invented the trestolone e that's the main reason I want to run it I could have gotten the ace version but I'm pretty confident about being able to control sides I will be running tren a mast p and a oral also haven't decided on which oral yet var or A bombs.
Plus my doctor is straight so blood work isn't a problem.
Im fortunate. Even tren sides are mild for me. Test sides are basically none other than mild back acne. Too much tren gives me a headache, as does any orals I've taken...but i just dropped the tren from 100 a day to 75 and all was well again.
I read that they're a relatively new lab based in China, none of their results at anaboliclabs. Shipping recently is a bitch. More concerned about quality in their domestic source in the us
There's 2 options on that. There's those that are new and do read shit, and there's that don't. I was asking for an opinion on the lab since mine have all been locally sourced and there's a few people whos opinions on here seem to be unbiased. Then there's asshats that just want to pretend they're hard.