PurplePandaLabs Raw source

checked ppl site.. no instruction on how to mix ppl hcg with bac water..
any1 know the recipe..??
5000iu ppl hcg..
thanks guys

1.Get a sterile vial
2. Drop 4 ML of bac water into the sterile vial
3.drop 1ml bac into the small vial with the hcg
4.roll the small vial gently in your hands for about a minute
5.withdraw the 1ml from the small vial and mix it with the big vial.
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Anyone else get some rad fuckin pip from the domestic Tren Ace? It makes it difficult to even sit on my ass. Any tips to alleviate this or make it less severe.
Use a coffee warmer or even a coffee pot just put a few drops of oil on the tender side of your wrist to make sure you don't have it to hot inject very slow
And massage after with a hot shower helps alot for me.
Use a coffee warmer or even a coffee pot just put a few drops of oil on the tender side of your wrist to make sure you don't have it to hot inject very slow
And massage after with a hot shower helps alot for me.

Why waste the oil every time lol? Just use a lighter and warm the oil in the syringe before injecting.
I was close to that recipie but a little lower on the BB. I got the oil to about 200 then I start with raws and do as much dissolving as possible first. Then add BB. All the while stirring and maintaining around 200. Last is BA. It was all dissolved by the time BA went in. So heat could def be the issue. You could try sticking a pin in your vial as a vent and put it on the stove top. And get it good and warmed up like kinda hot. As this is happening every so often give the vial a swirl and see if the cloudiness begins to go away.
Thats the last choice I got, to do it with a little bit of heat as you suggested.
you can swirl the living shit out of it, nothing changes at all.
I've never bothered with that. I just inject at room temp. Sometimes it has some bite but most of the time it's pretty smooth. At least with homebrew stuff.
I do that only with that milky cloudy tren ace, other compounds are pipless and smooth as butterfuck
Why waste the oil every time lol? Just use a lighter and warm the oil in the syringe before injecting.
I don't but I suggested he try it that way till he gets used to warming it up.
I just throw mine on the warmer about 15 min and inject.
I'm not sure about the cigarette lighter method besides I don't smoke isn't that kinda counterproductive to what we do?
But to each thier own.
any word on test e/c domestic restock?
He said in a few days.
I don't but I suggested he try it that way till he gets used to warming it up.
I just throw mine on the warmer about 15 min and inject.
I'm not sure about the cigarette lighter method besides I don't smoke isn't that kinda counterproductive to what we do?
But to each thier own.

He said in a few days.
Yea I bought one of those coffee warmers for this exact reason. It's not working to well on my 50ml jug tho. I used to microwave just enough water to submerge my vial in, and then let it sit in that. More even heat.