PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Big pharma do not filter gear they use heat. I have 2 BS degrees, an MS and PhD so if you want to debate bacteria then I'm happy too.
220f kills everything in your gear and doesnt effect the hormone

You should ask for a refund. Go away fuck stain.
Again, I would suggest you learn the difference between objective and subjective data.
Listen...we’re all a bunch of roided out meatheads that are kinda bent about this PPl drama. But that doesn’t mean the only response is to throw all sheets to the wind and burn the whole motherfucker down. Be opinionated all you want just use your fucking head and don’t speak in absolute unless your actually running labs on shit or paying a lab to do so....cuz if you ain’t doing that, your just fuming hot air. I’ve already stated I could run cultures on shit to gather more REAL INFORMATION. I’m not just rambling off with a tren spitfire fuck everything attitude.
What are you contributing to this other than jaw jabbering?

I'm not sure you understand the difference yourself, or the problems with quoting someone (me) out of context. An objective data point is that Elite has shipped products on multiple occasions that were contaminated. I can conclude from that data that Elite doesn't always use safe lab practices, and it can not be assumed any given product they ship has been properly sterilized.

A subjective data point is anyone working in a lab (as you claim) and who uses safe lab practices should already know and agree with what I wrote. I will leave the conclusions on the validity of your claim for others to make.

Viruses: Parasitic infectious microbes, composed almost entirely of protein and nucleic acids, which can cause disease(s) in humans. Viruses can reproduce only within living cells. They are 0.004 to 0.1 microns in size, which is about 100 times smaller than bacteria.
Get the fuck out of here @Surfj9009
Well apparently some of you guys are not aware of how to measure viruses.
Common virus sizes:
E. coli: 32 nanometers
Herpes: 125
HIV-1:120-150 nanometers
Influenza: 80–120 nanometers
Norovirus: 25-35 nanometers

And if you want to understand how regulatory agencies enforce the removal of viruses:
Virus Removal by Filtration: Points to Consider

Now if this Elite fucker had the flu and sneezed on your vials...or dripped his mouth herpes in there, how does your filter .2 micron Whatman filter clean that gear.
I’ll give ya a hint....

.2 microns equals 200 nanometers.

So maybe you should get the fuck out of here.
I’m glad some of you think that @Roger Rabbit nailed it....but if you are interesting in science....not loudmouth broscience....do your own research.
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I use 20ml vials and draw with a 21g pin. My stoppers end up a little chewed up. What's your opinion drawing from outside the little bullseye on the stopper? You think it'll make any difference?

yeh i draw from all different spots on the stopper, im not gona say my stopper doesnt get chewed up but ive never had a leak or any bad PIP so im only assuming that im having no issues.. im no expert tho this is just my personal exprience
Wrong ! Now I know you are full of bullshit. Gtfo.

Filters do seperate virus dumbass. Get out of here now.

.2 micron is designed for this. Go home now and pretend somewhere else

You clearly are a handle designed to come here to defend panda and side track everything.

Anyone listening to this 21 post fool would be crazy.
Awe cmon @Roger rabbit He must know wtf he’s talking about with all the degrees he listed on an Internet forum ;)
Maybe some of you would prefer to hear Llewellyns thoughts on the matter of sterilizing AS.


That’s it.
So you are suggesting a .22 micron filter is effective for bacteria - but not for viruses? That's worrying if true, I thought I was pretty safe running gear through a filter & it would be gtg. Anyone else care to comment with evidence either way?
So you are suggesting a .22 micron filter is effective for bacteria - but not for viruses? That's worrying if true, I thought I was pretty safe running gear through a filter & it would be gtg. Anyone else care to comment with evidence either way?
I've seen .1 filters. So I take it .2 must be insufficient for certain things if there's such a thing as .1 I guess .22 is just good enough. Maybe something like 99% and if you want it 100% you use .1? ( I'm just guessing and pulling numbers out my ass, I'm a blue collared guy)
Well apparently some of you guys are not aware of how to measure viruses.
Common virus sizes:
E. coli: 32 nanometers
Herpes: 125
HIV-1:120-150 nanometers
Influenza: 80–120 nanometers
Norovirus: 25-35 nanometers

Ohhh , so you genuinely think one of these viruses (mostly of which are highly fragile outside the human body) would actually survive long enough in benzyl alcohol to infect somebody ?

That must be why there are so many cases of people getting herpes and the flu from injecting ug gear !!! Come on get fucking real ...


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