PurplePandaLabs Raw source

Just do a normal 1-2%ba and 18% BB with it at 200-250mg per ml it’s easy and don’t overheat it and warm the oil you’re adding if it’s mct or gso add warm oil it’s pretty easy…send it out I’m curious

I would do 20mL the first time just to get the better hang of it. Buy a magnetic hot plater stirrer on amazon for like $40. So worth it. Its perfect for beginners
I would do 20mL the first time just to get the better hang of it. Buy a magnetic hot plater stirrer on amazon for like $40. So worth it. Its perfect for beginners
I agree with you 100% and will definitely make a very small batch for the first time, not to mention I have already have a ton of test c on hand. I really appreciate the advice.
I would do 20mL the first time just to get the better hang of it. Buy a magnetic hot plater stirrer on amazon for like $40. So worth it. Its perfect for beginners
Yea that’s what I did I think I made 10 bottles of test prop …test enth is really easy that’s what I use and you can keep ba and bb low.. I just swirled it around but I did get a good calibrated hot plate I remember…it’s easy though not much too it just don’t make high doses or some crazy fucking blend lol
I just received my order from panda. it took longer than expected but after communicating with them they where able to figure it out and my package arrive about 2 weeks after purchase.
i believe this is an isolate incident and i do believe they could of gotten my stuff in 7-10 days like advertise.
raws arrived in powder form and not melted/wax so thats a good thing.
I would do 20mL the first time just to get the better hang of it. Buy a magnetic hot plater stirrer on amazon for like $40. So worth it. Its perfect for beginners
Yea I agree this is the one I have @Babygeei having a magnetic spinner will save you so much time. Start spinning it and come back in about 20-30 min it will be perfectly mixed. Also make sure for oils your using ptfe filters .22 good luck brewing.IMG_1468.webp
Yea I agree this is the one I have @Babygeei having a magnetic spinner will save you so much time. Start spinning it and come back in about 20-30 min it will be perfectly mixed. Also make sure for oils your using ptfe filters .22 good luck brewing.

yes dont be in a rush. let the magnet slowly spin. the flask glass can still vibrate off the magnetic plate. i dont like to use any heat on my testosterone enanthate. just let the magnet do the job.
My test cyp order just landed and I'll be sending it to janoshik in the next couple of days.

This is my first time ordering raws and they have a very sweet smell to them, not what I was expecting. Almost as if a smell good spray was put on them. I assume this is normal?