Q for Dr. Scally regarding HPTA recovery...

I already jumped back on about a week ago.

Beats the hell out of me.

On 6/26/13 after PCT from my first cycle I was at

TT: 1,352
LH: 9.6
FSH: 5.6
E2: 82

Then on 3/18/14 after PCT from my second cycle I was at

TT: 287
LH: 9.2
FSH: 2.6
E2: 17

Doesn't make sense to me. Primary hypogonadism shouldn't be a concern considering how well my leydig cells were responding last June, yet despite an LH above the reference range I was still hypogonadal.

Granted, TT count can vary a good bit from day to day depending on the time of the last pulse, etc. but that's a disparity of nearly 500%. It really can't be rationalized by outside factors.

Dr. Scally,

Do you have any thoughts on the concerns I brought up in post 34? Thanks.

What were the PCTs?

Neither appear to be baseline levels.

How much time was there between cycles?

Do you have a baseline (pre AAS)?
I apologize for the tardy reply Doc, I had issues finding all the applicable info and didn't want to respond prior to being able to provide all the information in detail. To avoid any potential confusion with the timeline I'll date everything in chronological order.

Week 1-4:

In November of 2012 I started my first cycle which consisted of 850mg of test/week(500mg test e/350mg test prop), I ran it for 4 weeks and got labs drawn towards the end that came back with a TT of roughly 5,000. I ceased use after the 4 weeks.

Week 7-20:

3 weeks after I ceased use from the test cycle I started a tren ace/test prop/mast prop cycle @ roughly 400/400/400 that lasted roughly 12 weeks. Effectively, between the two 'cycles' I was shut down for 20 weeks.

Week 21-24:

I ran a PCT consisting solely of Clomid for 4 weeks @ 75/50/50/50. I didn't incorporate an AI and didn't run hCG during the cycle nor did I do an hCG blast prior to PCT.

Week 26-27:

1 week after I stopped the Clomid I opted to do an additional week of SERMs consisting of 50mg Clomid/20mg of Nolva ED.

Week 30:

I had labs drawn. To reiterate the time frame, these were completed 10 weeks after I ended the tren/test/mast cycle and 3 weeks after I finished the additional single week of Clomid Nolva. They came back at:

TT: 1,352
LH: 9.6
FSH: 5.6
E2: 82

Obviously the values were inflated due to the SERMs not fully clearing. However, I never re-tested and instead opted to start another cycle a couple days later.

Week 30-42:

I ran a 12 week long cycle of tren e/test e @ roughly 550/350.

Week 42-45:

The start of week 42 marks the last injection of the cycle, immediately after my last shot I started an hCG blast @ 2,000iu EOD for 20 days.

Week 45-50

A few days after my last hCG shot I started a Clomid PCT for 5 weeks @ 100/75/50/50/50. During the last 3 weeks of the I incorporated Nolva @ 20/20/20. I did not run an AI.

Week 58

Labs were obtained roughly 8 weeks after PCT. They came back at:

TT: 518
LH: 3.6
FSH: 2.3
E2: 26

Week 59-62:

Being that I never obtained baseline values to begin with, I wanted to do a short run of SERMs and re-test to confirm that 518 was my genuine baseline. I ran 30mg of Clomid/.5mg of Adex EOD for 3 weeks and re-tested 5 weeks after ceasing use.

Week 67:

5 weeks after ceasing the Clomid/Adex I obtained new labs.

TT: 287
LH: 9.2
FSH: 2.6
E2: 17

I started running peptides about a month or two prior but other than that had been off PEDs during this time.

Week 68:

1 week after the 278 test I went back to get new labs and confirm there wasn't an issue with the previous results. They were:

TT- 386
LH- 8.4

I was still getting over the flu but don't believe that had much of an impact on the results.

To reiterate the time frame once again, I had been off cycle for 6 months at this point, did an hCG blast prior to PCT, and am 25 years old.

Week 69:

I started a tren ace/test prop/mast prop cycle. That was 9 weeks ago from today and I am currently still on the cycle.

I can't come with any reasonable explanation for the discordance between my LH and TT. With an LH of 9.6 it was at 1,350, yet at 9.2 it was 287. Even when it dropped down from 8.4 the TT jumped up to 386, I suppose the last two could be contributed to outside factors such as the time since the last pulse, etc. but certainly not the first one.

My Leydig cells responded beautifully to the LH during my first PCT but it's as if I suddenly developed a case of primary hypogonadism within a few months time. I know I've repeated much of this in this thread practically verbatim but I honestly can't wrap my mind around what's going on.

Any info you could provide would be greatly appreciated doc.
I plan on getting blood work done but have no insurance nor do I no what to get done. By any chance could someone pm me to help me out before I start my first cycle I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks!