Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I did ask them and apparently the feedback on the blend is great and it's just me complaining, despite now another two people saying the current batch is unusable.
They refused to do anything about it other than advice to dissolve it in virgin mct oil which completely beats the point of the blend.
Did they just straight up say no to issuing a replacement? @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals I think you overlooked this guys post- or misunderstood it- the previous user (track star 19) stated it was "smooth as butter" was referring to a previous order and has also mentioned the bulk of his 900$ order being useless. AlThough he (trackstar19) wasn't looking for any corrective action I think Malin was.

@malin7 have you tried sub Q injection? Does this pip occur regardless which where you are pinning ?(ex glutes, quads m, delts etc)
Did they just straight up say no to issuing a replacement? @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals I think you overlooked this guys post- or misunderstood it- the previous user (track star 19) stated it was "smooth as butter" was referring to a previous order and has also mentioned the bulk of his 900$ order being useless. AlThough he (trackstar19) wasn't looking for any corrective action I think Malin was.

@malin7 have you tried sub Q injection? Does this pip occur regardless which where you are pinning ?(ex glutes, quads m, delts etc)
pip and feelz reports are not eligible for any form of replacement or compensation, this was clear since the beginning
Did they just straight up say no to issuing a replacement? @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals I think you overlooked this guys post- or misunderstood it- the previous user (track star 19) stated it was "smooth as butter" was referring to a previous order and has also mentioned the bulk of his 900$ order being useless. AlThough he (trackstar19) wasn't looking for any corrective action I think Malin was.

@malin7 have you tried sub Q injection? Does this pip occur regardless which where you are pinning ?(ex glutes, quads m, delts etc)
I haven't tried subq pinning but I can't imagine it would be any better as it usually causes more pip.
Tried a lot of different sites, DG, VG, delts, quads etc not to avail
pip and feelz reports are not eligible for any form of replacement or compensation, this was clear since the beginning
I think there should be a distinction between PIP which is manageable and all sort of aggregated side effects which makes the oil unusable.

When you have multiple people telling you it's latter you should own up that your cook screwed up instead of burying your head in the sand

If just a couple of people read it and decide against buying the blend it already costs you more than it would've if you did something about it

I wouldn't even mind if the pip was pretty bad as I ran some high solvent stuff in the past and thought I had good tolerance to pip but when it's so severe it's genuinely crippling, it's disingenuous to ignore the issue.

I'm not trying to scam you out of another kit as I said I'm more than happy to send it all back if you want so you can see for yourself how terrible quality gear it is.
So now there is going to be a "asking for replacements of illicit substances that I bought in the black market cause I can't personally use it" kinda of movement? :D

Your local drug dealer is just rolling on the floor laughing his ass off trying not to pass out
Family Feud Lol GIF by Steve Harvey
Hmmmmm...yeah. While I hate to actually agree with @narta I guess I actually kinda agree with narta (dammit). But dang, you can still mix it with stuff... it'll lessen the PIP.
Yes but they have a new batch now with a new brewer, so whatever people tell you is worth nothing with the new batch.

But the old primo 100 batch with MCT was great. Smooth to pin like water and it had 2 lab tests.

I hope the new batch is as good as the old one.
I hope they post the labs soon, I stocked up and wasn’t aware
I figured out how to epand your lists!! Maybe some hope for me yet! I didn't see anavar tabs. Stil producig?
Also, how many tabs per probuct ordered?

Thank you,
I haven't tried subq pinning but I can't imagine it would be any better as it usually causes more pip.
Tried a lot of different sites, DG, VG, delts, quads etc not to avail
It tends to burn a lot more but you won't get the complete immobilization of your muscle. I had DHB suspension that was a nightmare to pin and although it still sucked to pin subQ it wasn't nearly as bad as IM and let me run the cycle
Which blend was this?

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals I get the reasoning behind no customer service on the feels with no tests backing it up
but what's the reasoning behind the PIP if multiple users report it? Is it just kind of like buyer beware for the higher concentration blends? Not asking to antagonize- legitimately curious .
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So now there is going to be a "asking for replacements of illicit substances that I bought in the black market cause I can't personally use it" kinda of movement? :D

Your local drug dealer is just rolling on the floor laughing his ass off trying not to pass out
Family Feud Lol GIF by Steve Harvey
That gif is about the best thing you've ever posted. Sadly your post is absolute pig shit aside from it.

Look, no one's saying they want their hand held and booboos kissed on the whole UGL side - people however probably want a better relationship with a steroid seller than the guy you used to buy meth from in highschool. To say that drug dealers clientele and steroid users are the same demographic is idiocy on your part. Which is par for the course for you- so I applaud you for staying consistent.

At the same time- @malin7 if this is a high concentration blend and it can be mitigated by mixing in additional oil then try that. Atleast you're not binning an entire cycle.
I think there should be a distinction between PIP which is manageable and all sort of aggregated side effects which makes the oil unusable.

When you have multiple people telling you it's latter you should own up that your cook screwed up instead of burying your head in the sand

If just a couple of people read it and decide against buying the blend it already costs you more than it would've if you did something about it

I wouldn't even mind if the pip was pretty bad as I ran some high solvent stuff in the past and thought I had good tolerance to pip but when it's so severe it's genuinely crippling, it's disingenuous to ignore the issue.

I'm not trying to scam you out of another kit as I said I'm more than happy to send it all back if you want so you can see for yourself how terrible quality gear it is.
I was going to buy a box before reading all this, as it is the ratio I run test and primo. May still buy a couple vials to test it though.

Does anyone find they need to run test slightly higher than primo as their E2 is low?
Aside from recompense regarding the pip over a "bad" batch- if the feed back was that batch A was amazing and batch B was straight up acid (both being the same compounds and concentrations) would you not want to find out how to go back to the good brewing process? I feel that's just good for business if everyhing you're putting in is the same but your process is giving you a worse product to sell.
Aside from recompense regarding the pip over a "bad" batch- if the feed back was that batch A was amazing and batch B was straight up acid (both being the same compounds and concentrations) would you not want to find out how to go back to the good brewing process? I feel that's just good for business if everyhing you're putting in is the same but your process is giving you a worse product to sell.
His brewer changed as he announced big times here over the last couple weeks. So I would think even if QSC would like to find out, it won't be easy to do so since they dont do business with the old brewer anymore.
But I agree, would be nice to find out the cause of all this. Might be the test-E raws I think.