Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Injectables 10x10 mlDosagePrice ($)
Test C250mg/ml70
Test E250mg/ml65
Test P100 mg/ml60
Sustanon250 mg/ml65
NPP100 mg/ml65
Tren A100mg/ml100
Tren E100 mg/ml100
Tren E200 mg/ml160
Tren H (Parabolan)100 mg/ml126
Trestolone acetate (MENT) 50 mg/ml180
Mast E 200 mg/ml100
Mast P 100 mg/ml95
Primo E100 mg/ml140
Primo E200 mg/ml280
DHB 1-Test Cyp 100mg/ml110
Winstrol50 mg/ml65
Dianabol100 mg/ml70
Ripped: Test P/Mast P/Tren A300 mg/ml145
Blend Test E 150 / Primo E 150300 mg/ml278
RU58841 (to be applied)50mg/ml75
Is US domestic ready to order?
His brewer changed as he announced big times here over the last couple weeks. So I would think even if QSC would like to find out, it won't be easy to do so since they dont do business with the old brewer anymore.
But I agree, would be nice to find out the cause of all this. Might be the test-E raws I think.
No he didn't you are confusing things.
Brewer is different than tabs engineer lol
Brewer is same.
I recall a while ago you mentioned the possibility of liquid droppers for orals, is that still in the pipeline?
Yes planned, but not a priority now, we have a ton of work for oils, the demand is extremely high, and domestic warehouses needs to be filled with oils and HGH and now we will be in Canada and australia domestic too, so we will let the oral solutions for 2023.
I had an underground source who back when Test E raws were tainted caused enormous PIP. I mean golf ball size sterile abscess. Immobilized leg, everytime I stand would be sheering pain. Flu conditions.

I think I stomached 6-8 injections before giving up.

Chalked the whole thing up as a loss. Happens in the underground world sometimes.

Also the rule I live by is only buy enough of a product that if by chance it gets lost/garbage/underdosed you aren’t too upset about it.
I had an underground source who back when Test E raws were tainted caused enormous PIP. I mean golf ball size sterile abscess. Immobilized leg, everytime I stand would be sheering pain. Flu conditions.

I think I stomached 6-8 injections before giving up.

Chalked the whole thing up as a loss. Happens in the underground world sometimes.

Also the rule I live by is only buy enough of a product that if by chance it gets lost/garbage/underdosed you aren’t too upset about it.
I had to trash seven or eight vials of primo because the guy who made it—who had otherwise shown high levels of competence in brewing—used enough guaiacol to stun a buffalo. It was unusable. Taking an L every once in a while is part of the game.
Not sure why people attempt it. It never goes well.
It’s just the new fucking fad, like microdosing everything is now the new fad. Don’t listen to these Reddit faggots who look natty. Their is a reason they look like trash
It’s just the new fucking fad, like microdosing everything is now the new fad. Don’t listen to these Reddit faggots who look natty. Their is a reason they look like trash
I will say if i pin 2x a week my gyno flares badly, but when i pin ED my gyno stays pretty much the same. So in this case its worth it even though its sometimes annoying.
But rather pin ED then get gyno.

I will say if i pin 2x a week my gyno flares badly, but when i pin ED my gyno stays pretty much the same. So in this case its worth it even though its sometimes annoying.
But rather pin ED then get gyno.
yes, more frequent injection and more stable blood levels are pretty well objectively a good thing. Cost:benefit is questionable when you pin enanthate esters ED versus EOD, for example, but surely there is a benefit to more frequent than weekly. This is entirely inarguable.

That being said some people refer to microdosing to have different meanings. I agree with you that more frequent injections are beneficial and tend to trend with lower side effects in general. Some people refer to microdosing based on its conventional meaning, that is to unconventionally low doses of a compound. I'm not sure if that's what @5scoops is referring to, though.
His brewer changed as he announced big times here over the last couple weeks. So I would think even if QSC would like to find out, it won't be easy to do so since they dont do business with the old brewer anymore.
But I agree, would be nice to find out the cause of all this. Might be the test-E raws I think.
I think this is it. I have a kit of their test E that is unusable. The test cyp has been great though.