Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

They're just smarter than you, because you made the choice to whine like a chick because you can't stand the pip of a really high concentration injectable, that you paid cheaper than a vial of test from any other domestic source that you will be forced to use from now on just because your ego prevents you from diluting this painful concentrated mix, a solution that you were offered to minimize the pip, now go try to find the equivalent of this mix elsewhere, which you will surely pay at $100/$120 per vial minimum, and which will have a 70% chance of a little or even identical pip.

It's simple, read the rules, the pip and feelz reports are not subject and will never be subject to compensation regardless of the product or how the pip is, you're ok with that, welcome, don't agree go buy elsewhere, full stop. My last answer on this.
Mate, this isn’t the People’s Republic of China, I’m allowed to have a contrary opinion or give negative feedback.

You sold shit gear so I’m entitled to voice my displeasure just as you’re entitled to be a cunt about it and refuse to do anything.
Okay, I see. My bad.

Mate, this isn’t the People’s Republic of China, I’m allowed to have a contrary opinion or give negative feedback.

You sold shit gear so I’m entitled to voice my displeasure just as you’re entitled to be a cunt about it and refuse to do anything.
Of course you can provide feedback. This is what the forum is about. Feedback.

But you do understand that the vast majority of the users and customers of @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals can also choose to not give a flying fuck because someone somewhere can't stand pip from gear.

Quality and price is the game for everyone that is in this game. And so far qsc is far ahead.
They're just smarter than you, because you made the choice to whine like a chick because you can't stand the pip of a really high concentration injectable, that you paid cheaper than a vial of test from any other domestic source that you will be forced to use from now on just because your ego prevents you from diluting this painful concentrated mix, a solution that you were offered to minimize the pip, now go try to find the equivalent of this mix elsewhere, which you will surely pay at $100/$120 per vial minimum, and which will have a 70% chance of a little or even identical pip.

It's simple, read the rules, the pip and feelz reports are not subject and will never be subject to compensation regardless of the product or how the pip is, you're ok with that, welcome, don't agree go buy elsewhere, full stop. My last answer on this.
I get the rules concerning concentration and pip and having been in that similar boat I get it - but at least find out where your brew went side ways.

@malin7 would it be to any benefit if you mixed the stuff with something like painless pumps SEO for a higher volume injection- break it up into more frequent shots to get the same dosage per week administration.
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Dude. You absolutely must do better than this.
Like I get the rules concerning concentration and pip and having been in that similar boat I get it - but at least find out where your brew went side ways.

@malin7 would it be to any benefit if you mixed the stuff with something like painless pumps SEO for a higher volume injection- break it up into more frequent shots to get the same dosage per week administration.
I agree. That was really rough.
Of course you can provide feedback. This is what the forum is about. Feedback.

But you do understand that the vast majority of the users and customers of @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals can also choose to not give a flying fuck because someone somewhere can't stand pip from gear.

Quality and price is the game for everyone that is in this game. And so far qsc is far ahead.

Actually this isn't true. The majority of people on here are advanced users that have been doing gear for many years and understand the ins and outs of buying UGL gear, including the potential for pip and it's varying degrees of harshness. They appreciate the feedback believe me.
I can guarantee you something right now. NOBODY, regardless off how long they've been doing gear, is going to look at reports of bad pip and unusable gear and think to themselves "fuck it, I'll buy it anyway and inject myself with this shit" unless they are completely fucking stupid.
There's some fucking idiots commenting on here that's for sure and you're right up there with the worst of them. Thick cunt
One of the vials I opened had a the rubber stopper like this, all weird cropped in the middle. And it looks a little bit wet of oil. Did someone ever had this before.

I injected it SC anyway , no problems and 12 hours later no pain still. I let you know all know if die

Don't mind the label I put on
All my primo 100 vials from them are like this, but i had no issues.
All my primo 100 vials from them are like this, but i had no issues.
I don't get the problem by looking at his pictures either. Looks fine to me, except there shouldn't be oil on the top. But if there's just one vial with leaked oil then trash it and take another one. Shit like that most likely happens during shipping or by the delivery guy throwing it around.
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Actually this isn't true. The majority of people on here are advanced users that have been doing gear for many years and understand the ins and outs of buying UGL gear, including the potential for pip and it's varying degrees of harshness. They appreciate the feedback believe me.
I can guarantee you something right now. NOBODY, regardless off how long they've been doing gear, is going to look at reports of bad pip and unusable gear and think to themselves "fuck it, I'll buy it anyway and inject myself with this shit" unless they are completely fucking stupid.
There's some fucking idiots commenting on here that's for sure and you're right up there with the worst of them. Thick cunt
Ahhh the defender has appeared.

How are you lad? Are your estrogen levels out of whack and you act like that or you like this all the time?

And to be on topic, there weren't reportS of bad pip since it was a custom order as I recall from comments. High concentration gear always bears the possibly high pip.

So since the blend is not on the list NOONE is going to complain and NOT order it.

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Ahhh the defender has appeared.

How are you lad? Are your estrogen levels out of whack and you act like that or you like this all the time?

And to be on topic, there weren't reportS of bad pip since it was a custom order as I recall from comments. High concentration gear always bears the possibly high pip.

So since the blend is not on the list NOONE is going to complain and NOT order it.

It was a test primo blend someone had mentioned. Not custom brewed for him or the other guy who said he experienced same issues. It *is* however higher concentration blend

As for everyone being a little cantankerous sloot crying about sub Q - you realize injection the fatty part of the top glute is subQ and not IM right?
Ahhh the defender has appeared.

How are you lad? Are your estrogen levels out of whack and you act like that or you like this all the time?

And to be on topic, there weren't reportS of bad pip since it was a custom order as I recall from comments. High concentration gear always bears the possibly high pip.

So since the blend is not on the list NOONE is going to complain and NOT order it.


It was on the list you fucking idiot. And people have ordered and ARE complaining about it.

I will absolutely defend someone that sticks their head above the parapet to warn others about bad gear. This is a harm reduction board after all.

Your first sentence was "Of course you can provide feedback. This is what the forum is about. Feedback."

Then in your next sentence you talked to him like he was some cunt.

If I was to guess I would bet that you're only young. You come across like a 15 year old kid that doesn't know any better. You sound like a proper bellend, kid.


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Of course you can provide feedback. This is what the forum is about. Feedback.

But you do understand that the vast majority of the users and customers of @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals can also choose to not give a flying fuck because someone somewhere can't stand pip from gear.

Quality and price is the game for everyone that is in this game. And so far qsc is far ahead.
If an individual gets pip from be it allergy to the carrier oil, bad injection technique, injecting multiple mls at the same time into a virgin site etc that’s on them
If multiple users report multitude of side effects all from the same batch that makes the gear unusable that’s on the seller and their shit cook

No wonder qgc treats their customers like cattle if they allow themselves to get fucked over
If I was to guess I would bet that you're only young. You come across like a 15 year old kid that doesn't know any better. You sound like a proper bellend, kid.
I was brewing test when you where nucleus in your fathers balls kid. When pip was the crippling pain of a ballsized knot, not when "ouch, it feelz really bad™" bozos started to appear.

Theres pip? Suck it up, dilute it and either don't order again or brew your own shit and be done with it. Harm reduction is infectious gear not crybabies from pip. GD with these kids.
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If multiple users report multitude of side effects all from the same batch that makes the gear unusable that’s on the seller and their shit cook
pip is not a side effect. it's high concentration gear that no one should be using in the first place ESPECIALLY from gear that is know to cause pip in the first place. You thing big pharma has methenolone standardized at 100mg/ml for shit and giggles? OR that the standard dosed test prop is at 100mg/ml cause.... reasons?

You choose to dabble with high concentration gear and you got pip. Either dilute it to cut the sting or toss it and move on. Whining ain't gonna fix it.
pip is not a side effect. it's high concentration gear that no one should be using in the first place ESPECIALLY from gear that is know to cause pip in the first place. You thing big pharma has methenolone standardized at 100mg/ml for shit and giggles? OR that the standard dosed test prop is at 100mg/ml cause.... reasons?

You choose to dabble with high concentration gear and you got pip. Either dilute it to cut the sting or toss it and move on. Whining ain't gonna fix it.
Lol and I wondered why everyone else in this thread calls you a pigshit stupid cunt
I think it is an issue with the batch - I first ordered a kit of it in May and it was smooth as butter. So I more recently ordered two more kits … both exactly as you noted … crazy pip, flu, and wild infection with every attempted shot. I purchased a sterile vial and .2 Whitman filter and filtered some thru that which helped a touch but still unbearable pip and the shot keeps branching out to neighboring muscles.

QSC - is the test 150/primo 150 a new batch yet? The first one I got was literally perfect but the current 2 kits are both unusable. Did you do new brews of that with MCT oil now, too, by chance?
If the PIP is leaking out into neighboring muscles it means the oil is leaking from IM into the SubQ layer. Try applying pressure to the injection site for 30 sec ~ 1 min post injection. Should help.

Or use a longer needle.