“Trackings are generally communicated within 24h working days, except when the customer's request is specific and requires lengthy preparation.
Shipments are made from China only, and transit through a known EU country for EU orders.
We ship to all countries, in all continents: USA, Canada, Asian countries, Australia, Latin America, Caribbean Islands, Middle East…
Shipments are made by postal service, it is the most secure route which has allowed us to keep a 100% transit rate.
Parcel arrival times are between 8 days and 4 weeks maximum.”
Yes we don't use the same system every time, if you order using the reship service you either receive a generated tracking few days later, or you receive it 2 weeks later, or you receive it only when it reachs the warehouse and given to USPS.
If you want tracking right away every time then order via China Post.
I have no reason to not give you the tracking number if it was available..
For ETA check the feedbacks, sometimes can be 4 weeks, more or less, time of transportation cannot be garanteed.
“When customer do not specify the shipping option, I try to choose for him the compromise between the safest, the fastest and the cheapest.
Thank you for your patience.”