Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

I have started BPC-157 at 500mcg/day in one shot for overall health repairment and rejuvenation rather than a specific injured area. Doing SubQ shot.

My question at 215-220lbs is this a good dosage? How long should I run this? I was planning 6 months minimum.

Anyone else who has used BPC-157 feel free to chime in. Thanks
Lol i completely understand that. I guess my point is why the fuck would you take all of that to cut? Don’t get smart with me lol I’ve seen the dumb posts you make too. Here and other boards.
that was not meant to offend you but it is still in the mind of so many people that certain drugs are used to cut and certain drugs are used to bulk.
Anavar/Winstrol as an example are almost always called cutting agents. Well, they also work wonderful to increase strength in an off season phase and you can also put on a good amount of weight with them.
and for drug use during off season / prep:
i would say there are 2 groups of people. one saying they prefer a good amount in prep to hold on (maybe even built) muscle, keep strength, fullness etc and in the off season their anabolic agent is food and therefor less anabolics are required.
and for my stupid posts: feel free to embarrass me and post those. My username is the name on all boards. Would like to know which are dumb so i can learn for the future and put out better quality.
You guys ordering tabs, have you considered sending them to testing? As we all know the guy who manufactured the tabs had some hoorrible results with the latest testing
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals

I have started BPC-157 at 500mcg/day in one shot for overall health repairment and rejuvenation rather than a specific injured area. Doing SubQ shot.

My question at 215-220lbs is this a good dosage? How long should I run this? I was planning 6 months minimum.

Anyone else who has used BPC-157 feel free to chime in. Thanks
500mcg per day is perfect no matter your weight, if injury is more serious you can up to 1-2mg a day
You openly bashed the rep and you are now trying to place an order?

Oh boy....
Other then saying they contradicted themselves on shipping stuff, where was the “bash”? I provided facts and statements they made and that was it and said it doesn’t look good. There was no disrespect involved. Only person I bashed was a shill who tried bashing me.
What happened to your last order? I probably missed it, there's just too many posts every day. Still no tracking?
Nov 3rd will be week 4 with no update or tracking of my last order. Ordered on the 4th and supposedly shipped on the 6th.