Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Injectables 10x10 mlDosagePrice ($)
Test C250mg/ml70
Test E250mg/ml65
Test P100 mg/ml60
Sustanon250 mg/ml65
NPP100 mg/ml65
Tren A100mg/ml100
Tren E100 mg/ml100
Tren E200 mg/ml160
Tren H (Parabolan)100 mg/ml126
Trestolone acetate (MENT)50 mg/ml180
Mast E200 mg/ml100
Mast P100 mg/ml95
Primo E100 mg/ml140
Primo E200 mg/ml280
DHB 1-Test Cyp100mg/ml110
Winstrol50 mg/ml65
Dianabol100 mg/ml70
Ripped: Test P/Mast P/Tren A300 mg/ml145
Blend Test E 150 / Primo E 150300 mg/ml278
RU58841 (to be applied)50mg/ml75
NPP.. but no Deca at the China warehouse?
Ordered a bunch of domestic peptides from QSC. Decided to give a chance after the recent change. Arrived in 3 days from order. Excellent overall.
I’ve used a shit ton of their peptides from both us warehouse and China …. All 100% top notch and I intend to keep ordering indefinitely.
I had an underground source who back when Test E raws were tainted caused enormous PIP. I mean golf ball size sterile abscess. Immobilized leg, everytime I stand would be sheering pain. Flu conditions.

I think I stomached 6-8 injections before giving up.

Chalked the whole thing up as a loss. Happens in the underground world sometimes.

Also the rule I live by is only buy enough of a product that if by chance it gets lost/garbage/underdosed you aren’t too upset about it.
That is true but having read last few pages I'm surprised how many people despite having had bad experience with shit gear from qsc continue ordering from them, kind of weird stockholm syndrome.
Everything works great until it doesn't.
That is true but having read last few pages I'm surprised how many people despite having had bad experience with shit gear from qsc continue ordering from them, kind of weird stockholm syndrome.
Everything works great until it doesn't.
They're just smarter than you, because you made the choice to whine like a chick because you can't stand the pip of a really high concentration injectable, that you paid cheaper than a vial of test from any other domestic source that you will be forced to use from now on just because your ego prevents you from diluting this painful concentrated mix, a solution that you were offered to minimize the pip, now go try to find the equivalent of this mix elsewhere, which you will surely pay at $100/$120 per vial minimum, and which will have a 70% chance of a little or even identical pip.

It's simple, read the rules, the pip and feelz reports are not subject and will never be subject to compensation regardless of the product or how the pip is, you're ok with that, welcome, don't agree go buy elsewhere, full stop. My last answer on this.
Some people find even 100mg/mL primo to be painful, not the normal pip but more of a concrete at the site feeling. Add to that the irritation of a high concentrate blend and I wouldn’t be surprised that it hurts for some. I use 200mg/mL primo without issue but my buddy can’t use the muscle for a few days from the same dose. It just be that way sometimes
There's so many pages and this has probably been asked before but where can I see the latest price list and what's the ordering process?

Is an EU domestic warehouse up and running or are orders shipped from china?

One of the vials I opened had a the rubber stopper like this, all weird cropped in the middle. And it looks a little bit wet of oil. Did someone ever had this before.

I injected it SC anyway , no problems and 12 hours later no pain still. I let you know all know if die

Don't mind the label I put on


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One of the vials I opened had a the rubber stopper like this, all weird cropped in the middle. And it looks a little bit wet of oil. Did someone ever had this before.

I injected it SC anyway , no problems and 12 hours later no pain still. I let you know all know if die

Don't mind the label I put on