Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

No. And in all honesty why do you eat right before the workout? Did you just recently start with semaglutide and your body is not yet used to it?
I eat a preworkout meal 2hrs before any workout. I injected QSC’s sema yesterday morning and the slowed digestion persists for a few days usually. Helps a lot on rest days but it’s a bitch on training days. Dose was .5mg
Hi. How is your success with international orders (middle Europe)? I ask because customs laws are much stricter since 2021...You have it sorted somehow? Thanks.
Shipping to Europe has always been very successful, with a pass rate of almost 100% to most of them.
We had some issues for very few ones, such as Norway, and mainly because of bad post office service.
I’m trying to lose like 10. Just want to be leaner. Hearing this got me pretty excited

I can confirm, QSC semaglutide is legit and I had to stop taking it because was losing too much weight (including muscle). Maybe will try a lower dose next cutting cycle. I've posted my experience here before. If you can't maintain enough protein intake to maintain muscle mass, stay at the initial dose and don't increase it or increase slowly.

No. And in all honesty why do you eat right before the workout? Did you just recently start with semaglutide and your body is not yet used to it?

There are other reasons to eat before a workout. Not doing so is a missed opportunity for protein intake/MPS. Everyone isn't trying to fast as long as possible for fat loss. Some people care more about muscle gains. Different goals, different contexts.

I can confirm, QSC semaglutide is legit and I had to stop taking it because was losing too much weight (including muscle). Maybe will try a lower dose next cutting cycle. I've posted my experience here before. If you can't maintain enough protein intake to maintain muscle mass, stay at the initial dose and don't increase it or increase slowly.

Start at 0.25 mg right?
I’m thinking I’ll probably rearrange my macros to make sure I get proper protein
I can confirm, QSC semaglutide is legit and I had to stop taking it because was losing too much weight (including muscle). Maybe will try a lower dose next cutting cycle. I've posted my experience here before. If you can't maintain enough protein intake to maintain muscle mass, stay at the initial dose and don't increase it or increase slowly.

I can deal with the hunger when im in a fat loss phase but id think about something like semaglutide when you are absolutely peeled and start adding carbs and calories back in because i get absolutely ravenous during that rebound and you grow so easy. Never tried it though but those hunger hormones go so crazy after youve been starving and get a good amount of calories. Its hard for me to even have cheat meals if im losing fat too aggressivly i get like rowdy cheat meal thought its so hard not to cave lmao so i just do little refeeds with basic foods im already eating lol
I'll say that I like QSC. I've stuck up for QSC before. Anyone can read that. But that "narta" person is highly suspicious and deserves investigation. I'll leave it at that.
I am highly suspicious cause I am not a lunatic conspiracy theorist like you, you waste of oxygen.
He's a loser schill who wears masks alone in his car and has 5 boosters.
Nah, I have 23 booster shots, wear an industrial mask and shower with chlorine.

Cause I read retarded comment like yours.

Don't wanna have a dumbfuck-19 infection from you and the other retards.

*added to ignore*

Onward lads!
Hi. How is your success with international orders (middle Europe)? I ask because customs laws are much stricter since 2021...You have it sorted somehow? Thanks.
I think most sources have zero problems with EU except strict ass customs like Scandinavian ones.
There are other reasons to eat before a workout. Not doing so is a missed opportunity for protein intake/MPS. Everyone isn't trying to fast as long as possible for fat loss. Some people care more about muscle gains. Different goals, different contexts.

You dont say. Not sure what made you think I didnt know that already. Im not fasting either.
Oh the joys of never ending covid restrictions

I’ll be able to visit my family one day…. Maybe.
I just got back from a business trip to NA...what a friggin shit show man. Between ticket prices and being slapped with a double quarantine....fooking nightmare.
Got my package today. How do I know this is Primo and 100 mg/ml? No label like wtf? How do you make sure that u send the right product with no label?


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Got my package today. How do I know this is Primo and 100 mg/ml? No label like wtf?
If you ordered primo 100mg/ml then we shipped that to you, and you have to trust us the same way you trust a piece of paper "label"

With a minimum of reading you will know that we don't do labels, and it was always the case in the 1000 pages of the thread