Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Germans have a problem with subscribing to group think, whether things are right or wrong, it doesn't matter because what matters is what the group says. They cannot or will not think for themselves. Only programming from higher authorities is permitted.

Not all Germans are like this........there are exceptions. It's still an extremely bizarre and frustrating thing to encounter. I write this to say that I understand exactly what you're talking about.
The last 2 years have proven it's not just the Germans lol
Order received in 4 weeks. All products are there,I weight each powder and it is how much it suppose to be.
Will use it again next year to stock some raws for the bad days if they will come. Also interested in gh and some peptide.
But need to save some money until then as it will be a large order

1 kg test
300 g tren e
50 g DMAA
50 g sdrol
1 kit tb 500


@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals the D represents DMAA from that package? Is between sdrol and DMAA
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That their gh is absolute filth. Which I find very sad because I was very interested in it. All the worse that they do not clarify it and act as if that were normal
Bloods from 2 years ago using Opti, I think I was running 4-6iu’s here, I don’t remember. I’m just a hypo responder to IGF-1 binding bro. Maybe I’ll try pharma at some point but things are going well for me on QSC’s GH and it’s miles cheaper than everything out there.


  • 7417211A-E5A1-4D77-B508-0BC310C9D299.jpeg
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wo ist der beweis, dass der user vor dem blutserumtest wirklich hgh konsumiert hat??? Der Serumtest kann auch von einer Person stammen, die noch nie HGH oder Steroide konsumiert hat! Wenn dieser Serumtest auf einem deutschen Forum von einem seit Jahren bekannten und glaubwürdigen User veröffentlicht worden wäre ... ich würde mir Sorgen um mein Geld machen ... ich werde nach Erhalt 10i.u Hgh IM spritzen und 2,5- max 3 Stunden Blutabnahme.. dann sehe ich meinen Somatropinwert ... das war's..the competition wants bad things for Qsc because Qsc is a monopoly where there is no competition until now.
wo ist der beweis, dass der user vor dem blutserumtest wirklich hgh konsumiert hat??? Der Serumtest kann auch von einer Person stammen, die noch nie HGH oder Steroide konsumiert hat! Wenn dieser Serumtest auf einem deutschen Forum von einem seit Jahren bekannten und glaubwürdigen User veröffentlicht worden wäre ... ich würde mir Sorgen um mein Geld machen ... ich werde nach Erhalt 10i.u Hgh IM spritzen und 2,5- max 3 Stunden Blutabnahme.. dann sehe ich meinen Somatropinwert ... das war's..the competition wants bad things for Qsc because Qsc is a monopoly where there is no competition until now.
1. Not only will you find no scientific source, but also no major HGH source that will tell you that HGH serum testing is a legitimate means of testing for HGH quality.

2. Surely you wouldn't be talking about the board where admins allow their moderators to create and update threads shilling for sources without disclosing they're being rewarded for doing so. Certainly the keen german sense for believing in die rechten richtigen Führer will never lead you astray. Honestly, take your conspiracy theories back to that deeply corrupt hellhole or get a grip on reality and you'll find a much better home here on Meso.
Just to be clear, I'm not German. And these tests are also used in English-language forums. Even Chinese sources suggest it as a verification. If the igf test is bad, serum is recommended and vice versa. To push this now on German-speaking forums is simply bullshit
Oh sry, thought you were a german speaking people .

For Example my serum Somatropin Test is with QSC HGH 36ng/ml
Heavy metals bro
Never skip math classes

100x50mg $45 that's $0.54 for 60mg dose
With the 600 tabs discount it's $0.36 for 60mg dose

By checking the link you posted:
50x60mg $49 , that's $0.98 for 60mg dose

My prices without discounts are often the best offers that you can get elsewhere when others have discounts, it is pointless to compare us with any other source here, we don't look to compete with anyone and the last thing I care about is who is offering what.

You're right. I misread the price on raws for 10 grams as 1 gram. So it would be $0.30 per dose for using raws.

10 grams / 0.060 g/dose = 166.67 doses

$50 / 166.67 = $0.30 per dose

However, 45% off of $0.98, for posting bloodwork, is $0.54 per dose. That is clearly shown in the link I gave you.

So, your raws are still overpriced, if you ask me.

I did look at your tablets, but why are you selling them in 50mg? Can they be made in 30mg? The dosage for Raloxifene is typically in 30mg increments. Usually it's 30mg or 60mg. Probably not a huge deal....

Anyways, what's your deal bringing up heavy metals now, at this point? The fact that you couldn't answer this basic question about your product shows a general lack of knowledge about your product. Like I said, other vendors (Steroidify and Pharmaqo) were able to answer this very basic question just fine, while you were not able to. That's on you, not me. You're a mediocre salesman, at best, and you need to work on your product knowledge, so you should be thanking me for bringing this up.
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You're right. I misread the price on raws for 10 grams as 1 gram. So it would be $0.30 per dose for using raws.

10 grams / 0.060 g/dose = 166.67 doses

$50 / 166.67 = $0.30 per dose

However, 45% off of $0.98, for posting bloodwork, is $0.54 per dose. That is clearly shown in the link I gave you.

So, your raws are still overpriced, if you ask me.

I did look at your tablets, but why are you selling them in 50mg? Can they be made in 30mg? The dosage for Raloxifene is typically in 30mg increments. Usually it's 30mg or 60mg. Probably not a huge deal....

Anyways, what's your deal bringing up heavy metals now, at this point? The fact that you couldn't answer this basic question about your product shows a general lack of knowledge about your product. Like I said, other vendors (Steroidify and Pharmaqo) were able to answer this very basic question just fine, while you were not able to. That's on you, not me. You're a mediocre salesman, at best, and you need to work on your product knowledge, so you should be thanking me for bringing this up.
What's your 1rm for the flat bench?
1. Not only will you find no scientific source, but also no major HGH source that will tell you that HGH serum testing is a legitimate means of testing for HGH quality.

2. Surely you wouldn't be talking about the board where admins allow their moderators to create and update threads shilling for sources without disclosing they're being rewarded for doing so. Certainly the keen german sense for believing in die rechten richtigen Führer will never lead you astray. Honestly, take your conspiracy theories back to that deeply corrupt hellhole or get a grip on reality and you'll find a much better home here on Meso.
Why would the serum test not be good? Its the amount of hgh you get in your blood ?
If done with the same protocol each time with each gh i dont see the problem unless there are other peptides in the mix .
Or did you mean its not accurate if results are compared with other people in that case it would make sense .
Order received in 4 weeks. All products are there,I weight each powder and it is how much it suppose to be.
Will use it again next year to stock some raws for the bad days if they will come. Also interested in gh and some peptide.
But need to save some money until then as it will be a large order

1 kg test
300 g tren e
50 g DMAA
50 g sdrol
1 kit tb 500

View attachment 175348
View attachment 175347

@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals the D represents DMAA from that package? Is between sdrol and DMAA
Is that the Test Cyp?
Why would the serum test not be good? Its the amount of hgh you get in your blood ?
If done with the same protocol each time with each gh i dont see the problem unless there are other peptides in the mix .
Or did you mean its not accurate if results are compared with other people in that case it would make sense .
It's designed to detect a presence of HGH but the result is indeed far too inaccurate to allow for any conclusion regarding the quality or quantity of HGH even remotely, whereas IGF-1 at least might not be totally useless as a supplementary test to a HPLC labtest to compare two HGH products for one individual if all other testing conditions can be replicated perfectly between both tests (though I doubt this given the number of variables involved).

I'm sure every HGH vendor has seen HGH serum tests of the same batch ranging from "convinced it's fake" to "50+ highest quality cadavertropin" and by our now exhaustive library of multivial testing from the same batch of HGH we know there are no bunk vials nor significant variance between the vials that would be reflected in such a wide range of results. HGH serum testing is popular because it's cheap and requires none of the saturation period wait that IGF-1 testing does, leading to people that really really desperately want it to be meaningful.
It's designed to detect a presence of HGH but the result is indeed far too inaccurate to allow for any conclusion regarding the quality or quantity of HGH even remotely, whereas IGF-1 at least might not be totally useless as a supplementary test to a HPLC labtest to compare two HGH products for one individual if all other testing conditions can be replicated perfectly between both tests (though I doubt this given the number of variables involved).

I'm sure every HGH vendor has seen HGH serum tests of the same batch ranging from "convinced it's fake" to "50+ highest quality cadavertropin" and by our now exhaustive library of multivial testing from the same batch of HGH we know there are no bunk vials nor significant variance between the vials that would be reflected in such a wide range of results. HGH serum testing is popular because it's cheap and requires none of the saturation period wait that IGF-1 testing does, leading to people that really really desperately want it to be meaningful.
Yes its poor at determining purity but along with igf1 for the averadge user it could tell if further testing (hplc) is needed without spending the $ from the get go.