Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

While I shouldn't be itt tbh, this is unfortunately not a troll and it's hopeless to argue. The entire german BB community firmly believes that HGH serum and IGF-1 tests are legitimate indicators for HGH quality despite a complete lack of evidence - they've shunned reality in favour of an elaborate delusion to seek comfort in this false sense of security - all to avoid the reality wherein they'll have to pay Janoshik more than 20 bucks for a proper HGH HPLC test result.
Yeah they tend to stick to things that don't make sense even when they are proven wrong.

You can't alter genetics I guess....
Nein, du bist ein Troll, weil du eine verdammte dumme Entschuldigung dafür bist, Sauerstoff zu verschwenden.

Wenn Sie irgendeinen Beweis dafür haben, dass @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals hgh Dreck ist, verschütten Sie entweder die Bohnen oder das Zeug.

@Millard das wird langsam lächerlich.

What I find really funny with you sources. If a customer posts a good result whether serum or igf1 then we get likes and it is considered an indicator. But if something bad is posted then the tests are to blame. That fits 0 but doesn't matter
What I find really funny with you sources. If a customer posts a good result whether serum or igf1 then we get likes and it is considered an indicator. But if something bad is posted then the tests are to blame. That fits 0 but doesn't matter
I have never paid attention to blood tests, whether it is what you call "good results" or "bad results" because I know that both are useless.

The quality of steroids can never be determined by blood tests, neither testosterone values, or E2, or IGF-1 or HGH serum, etc... all values of blood tests are unreliable.

You can have good levels with bunk products, and you can have bad levels with good products. If after all the science and data shared on this forum, and the number of HPLC lab tests confirming that blood tests are crap, it will be useless to continue the debate with people like you.
What I find really funny with you sources. If a customer posts a good result whether serum or igf1 then we get likes and it is considered an indicator. But if something bad is posted then the tests are to blame. That fits 0 but doesn't matter
I am not a source dumbass.
And I never pay attention to other peoples bloods, except my own, since I know how I respond to gear for decades.
I have never paid attention to blood tests, whether it is what you call "good results" or "bad results" because I know that both are useless.

The quality of steroids can never be determined by blood tests, neither testosterone values, or E2, or IGF-1 or HGH serum, etc... all values of blood tests are unreliable.

You can have good levels with bunk products, and you can have bad levels with good products. If after all the science and data shared on this forum, and the number of HPLC lab tests confirming that blood tests are crap, it will be useless to continue the debate with people like you.
And that was so hard to explain? So I, as a customer, am not allowed to ask questions because they see it as a waste of time to respond to them? This did not mean them alone, but they liked the picture of the high igf1 value that they sent me themselves
And that was so hard to explain? So I, as a customer, am not allowed to ask questions because they see it as a waste of time to respond to them? This did not mean them alone, but they liked the picture of the high igf1 value that they sent me themselves
I didn't understand a word, sorry, please write in your native language, it will be more easy for most of us I guess to understand using Google translate and the few german basics that some of us know including me
Ich habe kein Wort verstanden, Entschuldigung, bitte schreiben Sie in Ihrer Muttersprache, ich denke, es wird für die meisten von uns einfacher sein, Google Translate und die wenigen deutschen Grundlagen zu verwenden, die einige von uns, einschließlich mir, kennen
Und das war so schwer zu erklären? Also ich als Kunde keine Fragen stellen, weil sie es als Zeitverschwendung ansehen, darauf darf zu antworten? Damit waren sie nicht allein gemeint. Aber sie selbst haben das Foto des hohen igf1-Werte geliked . Das sie mir selbst vorhin geschockt habe bei der ersten Antwort
For single-use vials (like the HMG) you can use “sterile water for injection”. Otherwise for anything where you mix it then inject portions of the mix over multiple days, you’ll want bacteriostatic water.

You can make your own bac water by taking sterile water, adding BA to reach 0.9%, and then filtering that through a 0.22 micron filter. BA won’t have bacteria in it, obviously, but it may have fungi spores.
Due to limited equipments in a foreign country, I could only make bacteriostatic water by mixing 2.5mL of benzyl alcohol using a plastic pipette into a 280mL bottle of Watson's water. Will I die?

Been injecting 5 vials of QSC HGH in Watson's water the past few weeks, and I think the benzyl alcohol would be a nice addition.
Und das war so schwer zu erklären? Also ich als Kunde keine Fragen stellen, weil sie es als Zeitverschwendung ansehen, darauf darf zu antworten? Damit waren sie nicht allein gemeint. Aber sie selbst haben das Foto des hohen igf1-Werte geliked . Das sie mir selbst vorhin geschockt habe bei der ersten Antwort
Yes it was hard to explain, it took us 2 pages
Ich Muss mich als Kunde irgendwo orientieren können. Hgh lässt igf 1 ansteigen oder nicht ? Somit sollte das im Blut feststellbar sein
ive already explained it on the german board where you are also active. I think we also talked in private.
there are so many variables to IGF-1 that it is no reliable marker for the quality of HGH. And HGH Serum can easily be increased by using ghrp (+Ghrh). I also posted the proof on the german board.
ive already explained it on the german board where you are also active. I think we also talked in private.
there are so many variables to IGF-1 that it is no reliable marker for the quality of HGH. And HGH Serum can easily be increased by using ghrp (+Ghrh). I also posted the proof on the german board.
I understand that. But the 10iu have no egg liquid at all just surprises me that there are variables and I can not determine the quality ok. But that with this amount the igf does not change
I understand that. But the 10iu have no egg liquid at all just surprises me that there are variables and I can not determine the quality ok. But that with this amount the igf does not change
IGF1 ist wirklich kein aussagekräftiger Faktor für eine Bestimmung der Qualität .
Ich selbst habe , egal welches HGH ich verwende , immer einen sehr niedrigen IGF1 Spiegel .
Got my Primo blend order
Took 31 days to an eastern europe country.
Good non-descript packaging.
Only thing I would like, if there was a label that would indicate what is in the bottles. Even 1 label on the zip bag would be enough to at least make sure they accidentally didn't pack tren instead of primo (I know, tren is piss colour, but as an example only).

Will leave a review in 6-10 weeks once I see some results. Thanks!
While I shouldn't be itt tbh, this is unfortunately not a troll and it's hopeless to argue. The entire german BB community firmly believes that HGH serum and IGF-1 tests are legitimate indicators for HGH quality despite a complete lack of evidence - they've shunned reality in favour of an elaborate delusion to seek comfort in this false sense of security - all to avoid the reality wherein they'll have to pay Janoshik more than 20 bucks for a proper HGH HPLC test result.
Germans have a problem with subscribing to group think, whether things are right or wrong, it doesn't matter because what matters is what the group says. They cannot or will not think for themselves. Only programming from higher authorities is permitted.

Not all Germans are like this........there are exceptions. It's still an extremely bizarre and frustrating thing to encounter. I write this to say that I understand exactly what you're talking about.
Just to be clear, I'm not German. And these tests are also used in English-language forums. Even Chinese sources suggest it as a verification. If the igf test is bad, serum is recommended and vice versa. To push this now on German-speaking forums is simply bullshit