Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Hello, is it possible that there are residues such as heavy metals in the raw? Is it usually checked if they contain or not is it analyzed? Is there a possibility that in the production of some steroids there is a greater probability of contamination in the production process? Thank you and greetings.
QDS, do you use organic non GMO oils? I am scared of the unhealthy effects of it on my body(not srs)
When will domestic USA warehouse be restocked with test. I’m running low and need to plan accordingly
Hello, can you email back to confirm that you received payment for the 50g anavar as soon as they arrived to you. It should arrive to you in another 1-3 business days, I paid via Trustly using the Alibaba link you sent
Hello, can you email back to confirm that you received payment for the 50g anavar as soon as they arrived to you. It should arrive to you in another 1-3 business days, I paid via Trustly using the Alibaba link you sent
Keep your transactions correspondence private using email and not an open forum ffs!
Hello guys,

I have not been answering the past 15 hours, and will be busy also the next ones, sorry for the inconvenience, I will be answering all and sending the trackings etc.. in about 15 hours, you can send your emails, and no worries if you didn't get an answer in the past 24 hours.
I use both QSC GH and Mk677. And I notice my HR is higher at night after using GH compared to days I run mk677. Dose too high? Dose too close to bed? What might be causing this?
I use both QSC GH and Mk677. And I notice my HR is higher at night after using GH compared to days I run mk677. Dose too high? Dose too close to bed? What might be causing this?

Its the water retention from the mk677. Nothing made my resting heart rate go higher than being on mk677 for a couple of weeks.
Try Steroidify. They will pay for any testing you want to do on the Primo they sell you, including testing for heavy metals.. Janoshik can do the test for you. The test for the four most common heavy metals is $120; Steroidify will send the payment directly without you needing to pay anything.

Contrast this QSC's policy which is to tell you to f*** right off and then continue to try to humiliate you just for asking a simple question, sort of like everyone in this thread just did to you a a second ago... I'm sorry you had to experience this.

Janoshik did say, though, that he has not personally observed any "positives" for heavy metals since he began testing AAS in 2015.

Regarding this specific experience you speak of, how long ago was this? Was this recently or was this many years ago?

View: https://youtu.be/ntJtBttuPjk