Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

PIP is a result of a confluence of factors. It can be the raws, it can be the oil, it can be the solvents, could be the sterility etc etc etc. Any one of those factors can cause PIP on its own at various levels for individuals due to genetics.

For me, the type of pain varies depending on the cause. I'm intolerant to solvents like EO, I get bad swelling and intense pain & inflammation.

But for a compound like primo, I get no swelling or inflammation but a bit of soreness after a day or two, a very different sensation from solvent caused PIP.

Haven't had a bad reaction to an oil having only used mct and gso.

Just my .02 from my background and firsthand experience. I think it's incorrect to assert that all PIP boils down to one variable when there are several that can cause issues.
Exactly Enanthate test gives me bad pip. Cypionate basically nothing. Some guys the opposite. There is a million variables.
Don't assume all men jack off a lot because you do. Some of us get real puss.
I hope you get to try it some day. It's nice.
Maybe instead of steroids, you should buy roofies with your allowance.
Id lay off the roofies if my cock was bleedin brother im just sayin. I knew a guy who also would drug himself and fuck a bunch of nasties....

Im just messing with ya man
Thanks man. Can you explain a little more? Or direct me to a link on how to mix it ? How much humco per mcg?

It's not perfect and you still need to shake the shit out of it before withdrawing your dose.

Concentration depends largely on your preference. 1 gram powder + 100 mL humco = 10 mg/mL. 5 grams + 100 mL = 50 mg/mL.

Some people add a few mL of Everclear to help solubilize the powder but I haven't found this. Just shake it up before dosing.
First review looks like it says it won't even register until you hit 5mg. You may be better off buying refurbished lab equipment on ebay.

Also as other have suggested you should look into making a suspension with humco. That way you weigh 50 or 100x 20mg which will be much easier to weigh accurately. Then dose out volumetrically to measure the individual doses rather than try to cap 20mg over and over which will be impossible and inefficient.

Good point and solid advantage to measuring higher weights (more accurate) and putting it into something like humco, PEG-400, ethanol, etc., or a blend. I've tried many different blends and none are perfect; all require a good shake prior to withdrawing your dose.

Dear sir or madam,

Are you able to synthesize norclostebol acetate?

This is a steroid that was developed in the late 1950's and then abandoned. This is a similar situation as Superdrol or MENT. So my question is, if chemists have been able to bring Superdrol and MENT back onto the market, why not norclostebol?

The rat assay anabolic:androgenic ratio is very promising at 660:40 (approximately 17:1) -- higher than any other injectable on the market. Yet, this steroid would be expected to be fairly mild on the liver.

Please see the attached document.
Clostebol acetate was made sporadically by some labs a few years back. The problem has been solubility. Its a struggle to get it to dissolve at anything more than 25mg/ml.

Norclostebol acetate likely has similar solubility issues.
Exactly Enanthate test gives me bad pip. Cypionate basically nothing. Some guys the opposite. There is a million variables.

I don't have pip at all by using Qsc oils - from here I can say TestE, DrostaE, PrimoE and even dhb cyp is pip free for me.

I am talking about 3ml Injekt, yesterday I injekted 1ml dhb cyp solo in shoulder and was working out 1 our later with out any problems - have been surprised by my self
I don't have pip at all by using Qsc oils - from here I can say TestE, DrostaE, PrimoE and even dhb cyp is pip free for me.

I am talking about 3ml Injekt, yesterday I injekted 1ml dhb cyp solo in shoulder and was working out 1 our later with out any problems - have been surprised by my self

My experience with the Test C Mast E and Primo E has been the same. Have done many 3mL primo shots with no issues.
PIP is an individual response to gear.

That said, high concentration gear tend to generate crystalized gear in the depot because oil is being absorbed faster than the raw. We don't generally see the same problem with pharma gear due to thicker and thus slower absorbing oils they use. Castor oil is a prime example in Nebido the Test U preparation.
Short esters that are brewed in low concentrations generally don't cause pip. Years ago the standard Tren Ace ugl was at 75mg/ml and hardly anyone reported pip. Now we have 100mg/ml, a 33% increse in concentration and even blends that increase the concentration of short esters far beyond that.
Exactly Enanthate test gives me bad pip.
Enananthate raws are problematic the past few years. I have brewed my last Test E with raws from 2004 and now I have switched to Test C or even better Test Deca that allows higher concentrations with no pip.

Stay away from Test E. Although there are various testimonials that qsc Test E is not problematic.