Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Any of you managed to brew PIP free Sustanon whith their raws?
Made Sustanon 300mg first, then 265mg with 20%/2% and Seasame oil. Both got pretty bad PIP and hard spot for 4 days.
Added 8-10% EO at 270mg, same results.
To mention i got the temperature up to about 80 celsius wille brewing them.

Tested them on few other guys they got same more or less PIP like me.

Rest of the raws i played with (11 tipes from QSC) they were all PIP free or very small pip.
I’m a bit skeptical of this source. Sure I see some people here vouching for QSC but they could just be shills for all I know. My personal experience is that I paid for my order over two weeks ago and after multiple emails with QSC, no tracking number available and no shipment and no response. I will update if I ever receive my order but so far, I’d advise anyone to find another source, QSC is not good.
I've placed 4 orders. All of them shipped, landed, got to me. Some took a couple weeks to get a track#, others after a couple days. All packs took about a month to get to me from China to Canada. No shill.
I've placed 4 orders. All of them shipped, landed, got to me. Some took a couple weeks to get a track#, others after a couple days. All packs took about a month to get to me from China to Canada. No shill.
Have you used the domestic reship option or was it international through China Post and then to Canada Post? Thinking about making another order soon. My last order made it through customs no problem via the international shipping, but it didn’t contain any raws or tabs.
estrogen came back at 134. I would like to get it down to 40-50 to see how I feel and see if it helps libido. No bitch tits or itchy nipple side effects even at this level.

I was taking QSC 10mg Armosain EOD. Should I go to 20mg ED? Or switch to Adex?
estrogen came back at 134. I would like to get it down to 40-50 to see how I feel and see if it helps libido. No bitch tits or itchy nipple side effects even at this level.

I was taking QSC 10mg Armosain EOD. Should I go to 20mg ED? Or switch to Adex?

If it were me i would probably ask in a forum dedicated to steroid use and estrogen control. I'd be more likely to get a good answer.
@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
is there a date when oral dutasteride 1mg will be available again? Wanted to order the 600 pieces tabs. thanks
They won't be restocked, like all tabs.

We stopped manufacturing tabs because of strict laws in China and recent busts because of that.

Not willing to take this risk.

We are now running a promo for leftover tabs.

1 bottle = 100 tabs
> 10 bottles $15/bottle
> 20 bottles $10/bottle

promo available for all tabs except primo acetate tabs. No reship policy for these tabs.

Primo acetate75mg
Clomiphene Citrate / Clomid50 mg
Letrozole1 mg
Pramipexole1 mg
Dapoxetine HCL25 mg
MK2866 Ostarine10 mg
LGD4033 Ligandrol10 mg
SR900910 mg
S410 mg
YK1110 mg
Fladrafinil20 mg
Amoxicilline 200 mg
telmisartan50 mg
First thing I did when I saw new price list posted was quickly scroll down to US inventory for restocked oils... damn
Order international mate, the domestic warehouses now are not our priority, our team is very busy with preparing the international orders that increased a lot because of restock of oils. Batches of oils hasn't been prepared yet by our brewer who is very busy.
Two whole weeks from China? Somethings wrong!
We're all shills.
Try Eroids.
You guys fail to read the context. It’s two weeks with NO TRACKING. I’m in Asia, two hours flight from China. Another source on here had a package delivered within a week. My concern is that packages are returned if I am not home when the package is delivered, hence the urgency for tracking. I don’t care if shipping is slow but I don’t want to be responsible for a mis ship.
Can the quality of the semaglutide degrade over time? I started on a new vial and it was working great, was taking 1mg a week, split into two doses. At the end of the vial, the last one didn't give me nausea which I thought was weird and my blood sugar hasn't changed at all. On the day of the injection I usually expect my blood sugar to tank, but today it stayed at 120 for a long time.
Can the quality of the semaglutide degrade over time? I started on a new vial and it was working great, was taking 1mg a week, split into two doses. At the end of the vial, the last one didn't give me nausea which I thought was weird and my blood sugar hasn't changed at all. On the day of the injection I usually expect my blood sugar to tank, but today it stayed at 120 for a long time.
Hmmm... what did you reconstitute with?
Where/ how did you store it?
Just wanted to put up my own experience.

Ordered Anavar tabs a few months ago. Received them and tested them just to be safe. Came out all good. Made the gains as expected(pumps, felt good, and gained about 5-6lbs of muscle ).

Most recently I ordered test cyp(oil) and raw aromasin. Took a bit less than 3 weeks. Both products look good. No floaters or broken bottles.

I ordered some Anavar raw recently so that will be a bit til I get it, but I’m not worried.

Just my own product and order experience