Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Lowering volume is a good call. Don’t know how long you’ve been using, but I believe (test e maybe not included due to recent issues) a lot of peoples problems stem from poor injection technique and or wrong equipment for muscle being injected. This isn’t really directed at you, just an observation. Glad it’s gotten better for you!
Yeah rough ride but I'm happy I can use this stuff. I use 5 micron 18 gauge blunts to fill then fresh 27 g 1 1/4 to pin. I warm the oil slightly and meticulously clean with alcohol swab. I make sure it evaporates fully before injecting. I z track use delts ventriglute and quads mainly.
I would try it. I don't know why people bother with multi Ester test though. It's all just test
I think cyp or enan is better. Sustanon is a neat concept on paper but not in the real world with all the constant ups and downs. Single ester is much easier to dial in and keep stable ime.
@Qsc Ich sehe, dass der D Bol Inject auf der aktuellen Preisliste ausverkauft ist. wird es nachgefüllt? Bei Magenproblemen und Sodbrennen ist D Bol inject für viele Anwender better. Sie sind einer der wenigen Anbieter, die D Bol Inject angeboten haben. Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie es weiterhin anbieten würden
Two quicki ones:
Reviews for both primo e 200 and primo ace oral please.
How's the level of water retention for their gh?.
If you store them properly, you can use them decades later. Keep them in the clear baggie as is, probably a couple years. Vacuum seal in Mylar bags with desiccant packs and you are looking a decades.

The key is not allowing it to get damaged from oxidation, UV exposure, moisture, or heat.

What about out of the light, or in a fridge?
Also how do you vaccum seal your stuff?
Two quicki ones:
Reviews for both primo e 200 and primo ace oral please.
How's the level of water retention for their gh?.

I ran their GH for the last few months and really liked it. I did a little test, winny, and anavar cycle with 4ius. Hardened up and got a lot leaner. Got the GH fullness and the fat loss.

I will never run anavar again because it killed my libido though. Never, never, never going to do anavar again.
I ran their GH for the last few months and really liked it. I did a little test, winny, and anavar cycle with 4ius. Hardened up and got a lot leaner. Got the GH fullness and the fat loss.

I will never run anavar again because it killed my libido though. Never, never, never going to do anavar again.
How the fuck did you get back lol. I thought they banned you lol