Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

When was your latest order though and how many times have you used reship? It hasn’t been available that long. I paid and got confirmation for reship and then all of a sudden he said that reship wasn’t available, so I had to use regular China Post and buy insurance, but now he is saying reship is available again. Not sure how a reship line becomes unavailable for 5 days and suddenly is up and running again.
in the same boat.. wish I would have known I just had to wait a day or two..
The word "scam" is a big word, and in civilized discussion it can very well be avoided.
The choice of language can often have consequences when you are not in a strong position, and you do not have the bargaining power, this was one of the reasons that his problem remained unresolved, but that doesn't mean he deserves that kind of treatment.
The company does dozens of daily transactions up to hundreds, with several customers, some of which place orders in the hundreds of thousands dollars, it is ridiculous to say that he was scammed, the real word is that he did not receive the customer service adapted, due to some circumstances that you all know.

Although its customer character is not one of the simplest but it is not however that he deserves such a fate. It is a small lab, like many here, which seeks to make a modest living, and for lack of experience in customer-supplier relationships, and manipulated by one of his friends, it has acted in a way that has had unjust consequences on his fate.

But I remind you that QSC does not scam anyone, and it is for some unfortunate 250g that we are ready to wear this label, I would be ungrateful not to compensate for it, knowing that his insolved issue was a powerful precursor to my sales.
In fact the arrival of his lab test, which is the result of a mistake (and which happens to several suppliers, although it is rare with us) has triggered a wave of regular testing, of which we are proud of it with several dozen blind lab tests, made by meso members, as part of their belief in the importance of harm reduction and which have been a lot in favor of my sales which have increased by 230% since the start of Deus issue. So the minimum to thank him is to correct the mistake.

I have just restocked the toremiphene, we will proceed after the golden week to test it at Janoshik first, to check its quality, and when it has passed the test, we will proceed to correct the error as necessary as soon as the customer contacts us.
Admittedly, it's a bit of a long process, but the most important thing is to make it right for this poor customer, who is just the victim of manipulation by his friends and his supplier's ego.
hey did you get that toremifene test back yet
in the same boat.. wish I would have known I just had to wait a day or two..
Ya it makes no sense at all. How does a reship line come and go. In a matter of 5 days.
So you guys are getting charged 20% of order for insurance because "reship service" comes in goes at the reps discretion?
That’s what it seems like. He made some quick cash off a few people by claiming that allegedly the reship line wasn’t working. 20% isn’t a joke especially if you had a larger order. As another member stated before, The email I received began with “All good things must come to an end.” Which I took as the reship line being gone for good.
Ya it makes no sense at all. How does a reship line come and go. In a matter of 5 days.

That’s what it seems like. He made some quick cash off a few people by claiming that allegedly the reship line wasn’t working. 20% isn’t a joke especially if you had a larger order. As another member stated before, The email I received began with “All good things must come to an end.” Which I took as the reship line being gone for good.
I'm just throwin it out there.... who's to say how many ways an illegal shipping warehouse (more than likely a small business front in Ritchmond) can go sideways at any time. Maybe the heat was on, who knows. Then they changed addresses, heat was off, who knows.....

It sucks you got charged an extra 20% for your order. I'd be pissed off too. But if you want 100% domestic safety, pay the premium and get pareto, syn, inno, genitec, etc. Every time you go international YOU assume a risk. Dont forget that .
Anyone have the order form/pdf for QSC? Or a link to his pastebin/site/etc. looking to place an order finally. Prices for a few items are much better that DO.
Anyone have the order form/pdf for QSC? Or a link to his pastebin/site/etc. looking to place an order finally. Prices for a few items are much better that DO.
There’s no order form, that I know of anyway. Email what you want, your name, address, how you want to pay and how you want it shipped. That’s what I did.
kind of a dumb question but can you just weigh the raw powder on the scale (anavar for example) and just ingest it like that, without making a pill? I assume it should be ok given that pill is just the raw+filler
This is one I just ordered, holds 30 vials

Here is a link for the one that holds 120 vials https://www.amazon.com/Hipiwe-Essential-Carrying-Organizer-Traveling/dp/B09FY2TWVZ/ref=sr_1_10?crid=R7TGMJ3EJEWM&keywords=essential+oil+hard+shell+case&qid=1669594667&sprefix=essenntial+oil+hard+shell+case%2Caps%2C133&sr=8-10

kind of a dumb question but can you just weigh the raw powder on the scale (anavar for example) and just ingest it like that, without making a pill? I assume it should be ok given that pill is just the raw+filler
Yes. Just need to be sure that your scale is precise if you want to measure small amounts like 10mg or 20mg. You can also use these spoons to make the process even easier: https://www.amazon.com/SuperDosing-Static-Free-Micro-Variety-Milligram/dp/B0764KFFVP