Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Ya it makes no sense at all. How does a reship line come and go. In a matter of 5 days.

That’s what it seems like. He made some quick cash off a few people by claiming that allegedly the reship line wasn’t working. 20% isn’t a joke especially if you had a larger order. As another member stated before, The email I received began with “All good things must come to an end.” Which I took as the reship line being gone for good.
I also asked about the reship line and if it’s coming back when I was given the option, the question was just ignored…
I'm just throwin it out there.... who's to say how many ways an illegal shipping warehouse (more than likely a small business front in Ritchmond) can go sideways at any time. Maybe the heat was on, who knows. Then they changed addresses, heat was off, who knows.....

It sucks you got charged an extra 20% for your order. I'd be pissed off too. But if you want 100% domestic safety, pay the premium and get pareto, syn, inno, genitec, etc. Every time you go international YOU assume a risk. Dont forget that .
Maybe you don’t know how the reship option works, you assume 0% risk because it’s sent bulk and reshipped domestically. Essentially we were ordering domestic with a $50 shipping fee and longer wait. Keep in mind every 1k ordered is another $200 more, so the fact people paid that much more for something that could have waited 1-5 days to avoid is kinda sketch…
what is bac water price? i don't remember ..it disappeared from the pricelist. waiting for new stock, and also cardarine stock
Any benefit for using the usa reship service? I assume it would take a few days longer, but is their any benefit such as stealth or insurance if it doesn’t make it past customs?
Maybe you don’t know how the reship option works, you assume 0% risk because it’s sent bulk and reshipped domestically. Essentially we were ordering domestic with a $50 shipping fee and longer wait. Keep in mind every 1k ordered is another $200 more, so the fact people paid that much more for something that could have waited 1-5 days to avoid is kinda sketch
I might be wrong, but isn't the 20% insurance optional? The CBSA pass rate is something like 99% so paying 20% extra doesn't make sense. I would forget about 20% insurance and assume the risk and re-order if it gets seized (which it likely won't).
kind of a dumb question but can you just weigh the raw powder on the scale (anavar for example) and just ingest it like that, without making a pill? I assume it should be ok given that pill is just the raw+filler

Measurements from @monichi

Proviron: 11mg red, 14mg orange, 5mg black
Nolvadex: 3.2mg black, 4.4mg red, 7mg orange
Anavar: 4.6mg black, 7mg red, 17mg orange
Clomid: 11mg orange, 5mg red, 2mg black
Cialis: orange 8mg, red 3mg
Winstrol: orange 10mg
Dianabol: orange 17mg
Salbutamol: red 6mg , black 4mg
DMAA: orange 10mg
17-Methyltestosterone: orange 8mg
Halotestin: orange 12mg

@Wannaflybob added these two;
Sdrol: 8mg orange
Tbol: 13mg orange
Quote Reply
Reminder about the promo:
1 box tabs $20/box
>10 boxes $15/box
>15 boxes $10/box

so basically ordering 10 boxes price is 150usd, but ordering 15 boxes is the same 150usd? or need at least x11 box to have $15/box and x16 to pay $10/box?

metformin tabs available?
So as far as I understand it an hGH kit is 10x10ml vials and each 10ml vial contains 10ius suspended in bac water. So 2ml of product is a 2iu dose? or have I misunderstood something? And people out there are doing 2-15 ml doses in one syringe?
So as far as I understand it an hGH kit is 10x10ml vials and each 10ml vial contains 10ius suspended in bac water. So 2ml of product is a 2iu dose? or have I misunderstood something? And people out there are doing 2-15 ml doses in one syringe?
You have to reconstitute yourself. If you reconstitute with 1ml bac water, each .1ml is 1iu
So as far as I understand it an hGH kit is 10x10ml vials and each 10ml vial contains 10ius suspended in bac water. So 2ml of product is a 2iu dose? or have I misunderstood something? And people out there are doing 2-15 ml doses in one syringe?
You're frighteningly off on your math....
You need insulin syringes & BAC water. Follow what @Sover7farms posted above.
So as far as I understand it an hGH kit is 10x10ml vials and each 10ml vial contains 10ius suspended in bac water. So 2ml of product is a 2iu dose? or have I misunderstood something? And people out there are doing 2-15 ml doses in one syringe?
It's not 10x10ml. It's 10x10IU vials or 10x15IU depending on the kit.
Hi guys! I just received my first order with @QSC (HGH, 3 kits) and wanted to share my (positive) experience, maybe someone will find it helpful

Placed my order (EU special line) on 5th Nov after some back and forth e-mails (which went very smoothly) and I got my tracking number a few hours later (6th Nov). On 22nd the tracking number (DHL) showed the package is on its way (I guess that's when it reached Europe) and today it was at my door (EU, Eastern Europe).
So as far as I understand it an hGH kit is 10x10ml vials and each 10ml vial contains 10ius suspended in bac water. So 2ml of product is a 2iu dose? or have I misunderstood something? And people out there are doing 2-15 ml doses in one syringe?
Dude you get 10 vials with 10iu of dry powder in each. You have to add water yourself to make a liquid that you can inject. You choose how much water you add to each vial, usually 1 or 2ml, but 3.37538ml is also fine.
If you add 2ml water, that means 2ml liquid contains 10iu. 0.2ml liquid = 1iu... 0.4ml liquid = 2iu etc
If you get confused, simply think that 1/2 of the liquid must be 1/2 of the powder, which is 5iu.
Ordered a kit of Semaglutide on Halloween to Europe and it touched down today. Took my first dose today and already feel appetite suppression but this is likely placebo so I Will update in a few weeks on progress.