Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I took my first dose of semiglutide today too (0.125mg) at 8am and skipped breakfast. I didn't feel appetite suppression at lunch but two hours later I definitely feel like my digestion is far slower than usual. Not sure if there's something else at play (ie getting sick) but my digestion definitely has something happening (or rather not happening)
Started yesterday and smoked some weed last night, it’s exam season so I’m stressed, and I usually DESTROY my kitchen and wake several times during the night hungry after smoking.

That didn’t happen last night so it’s looking good so far after less than 24 hours. No hunger through today so far. Again could be placebo but the weed munchies being totally stomped confirms to me it is good to go.
If the US warehouse doesn’t get test-e soon I’m just going to transition to a girl and tape my dick to my leg
If the US warehouse doesn’t get test-e soon I’m just going to transition to a girl and tape my dick to my leg
QSC may be able to add some injectable estradiol to the USA warehouse just for you.

I was waiting for the re-up too but seems like they are super busy with international. I ended up placing an international order a week ago. He sent it via reship service so it’s going to come domestic anyway.
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Started yesterday and smoked some weed last night, it’s exam season so I’m stressed, and I usually DESTROY my kitchen and wake several times during the night hungry after smoking.

That didn’t happen last night so it’s looking good so far after less than 24 hours. No hunger through today so far. Again could be placebo but the weed munchies being totally stomped confirms to me it is good to go.

Yesterday I still ate pretty close to my normal amount but this morning I have absolutely no appetite at all. I'm going to try to get 2 scoops of protein powder down shortly
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QSC may be able to add some injectable estradiol to the USA warehouse just for you.

I was waiting for the re-up too but seems like they are super busy with international. I ended up placing an international order a week ago. He sent it via reship service so it’s going to come domestic anyway.
I placed one last week too but I just don’t like waiting. I’m on tren rn and I get paranoid waiting on packs
I placed one last week too but I just don’t like waiting. I’m on tren rn and I get paranoid waiting on packs
I hear ya. I’m running QSC’s test cyp for months and loving it. Haven’t tried there tren ace but I have some on the way. I like running it in low doses of 50mg every other day for 8-12 weeks.
I hear ya. I’m running QSC’s test cyp for months and loving it. Haven’t tried there tren ace but I have some on the way. I like running it in low doses of 50mg every other day for 8-12 weeks.
Me too, I’ve been using their test-e all year this year. I’m on 875 test, 420 tren a, and 100mg anadrol and that’s treating me nicely. Nice and full/vascular. Bad road rage though lol
I want to leave a review. I used 4 months of qingdao preparations. All drugs are of the highest quality. did not like raloxifene and dhb. injectable dhb seemed to me a weak drug. raloxifene didn't struggle so much with little gyno. test cypionate, tadalafil, telmisartan, oxandrolone and stanozolol, nandrolone phenyl - I liked it very much. I will be ordering a new one soon.
Is it possible to order mixed kits of oils?
For example, instead of a kit of 10 vials mast one could order a kit with 5 mast 5npp?