Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

It was crazy. I took 1 unit then waited half hour took another unit, then one hour after I was ready. I could barely go to sleep 9 hours later it was still up. Went to work and finally it went away. I was getting scared
I went to a swingers club, walked around like a stud :). Mine would go down, but it would come up for any reason! That works on. women also
I went to a swingers club, walked around like a stud :). Mine would go down, but it would come up for any reason! That works on. women also
I should add mine also went down 2 times for about 30 seconds. I also didn't have any of the weird shit that comes along with viagra and cialis like a beet red face, stuffy nose, or heart burn
I should add mine also went down 2 times for about 30 seconds. I also didn't have any of the weird shit that comes along with viagra and cialis like a beet red face, stuffy nose, or heart burn
My face felt funny, for about 30 seconds I think, then it left. I did not get sick or anything. I kept waiting to get sick, others said they do, but I didn't.
My face felt funny, for about 30 seconds I think, then it left. I did not get sick or anything. I kept waiting to get sick, others said they do, but I didn't.
I'm sorry but I kinda got lost in the conversation but can you share with me what is this drug that's giving all these awesome boners? I need that in my life. My girlfriend needs sex all day and I can't keep up and I'm struggling with my boner.
I emailed about the peptides, no answer. Is it 10 vials for the price listed? Anyone try the BPC or TB?
Send new email please, I can't find your email, and please check if email was correctly written, thanks.

Yes it's 10 vials / kit, each vial of bpc157 contains 5mg. 1 kit is $40 (it's like $4/vial)
TB500 we have 2mg, 5mg and 10mg vials.
Send new email please, I can't find your email, and please check if email was correctly written, thanks.

Yes it's 10 vials / kit, each vial of bpc157 contains 5mg. 1 kit is $40 (it's like $4/vial)
TB500 we have 2mg, 5mg and 10mg vials.
Thank you, sir. My initial email was answered, my reply was not. The email may have been slightly ambiguous. This answer is sufficient for me. Thanks again. I believe I will order now.
Hello everyone,

Following suggestions that I made at the source, we are going to change our process towards injectables and oils, because we are aware that our raws have an irreproachable quality, our peptides and hgh ditto, but the oily ones have been the subject of several discussions, and after a while it is time to start testing finished products, because although we trusted the brewer, the margin of error in overdose or underdosage does not meet my criterias, because we can do much better, so with full transparency, I will share the current stocks with you, and I will inform you of some decisions:

1- All oils will be tested from now on before sale.

2- The production will be done in batches of 10L by 10L

3- The prices are likely to change to absorb the costs of lab tests, but given the large quantity that will be produced, the price increase may or may not take place, and in case it does, it would be very low.

4- We will limit our preparation to basic products:

Test E, Test C, Test P, Sustanon, Deca, NPP, Tren a, Tren E, Masteron P, Masteron E, Primo E, Boldo U, Boldo cyp and Trestolone acetate.

So for example if our engineer brews, and the testo E gives a result of 230mg/ml instead of 250mg, instead of firing him Test E would be marketed as Test E 230. If the deca gave 227 mg instead of the 200 mg targeted, ditto that would be marketed as Deca 227mg / ml.

Now I am informing you of the current oily stock, some products have a large stock, others do not, so the large stock products will be tested very soon, and in the event of a deviation from the announced result, we will reimburse you for everything. deviation exceeding 10%, this will only be valid for orders placed after November 15th, because all this is new stock, the old ones were exhausted while our preparer wasn't here.

Test C

test c.jpeg

test c.jpeg

Test E

test E.jpeg

test E.jpeg

Sustanon 250 (in red sustanon 400)


Tren E

tren e.jpeg

tren e.jpeg

Parabolan (Tren Hex)



Test P

Test P.jpeg

Test P.jpeg

Tren A

Tren a.jpeg

Tren a.jpeg

Boldenone Undecylenate









For the rest, it's small stocks, a new batch of 10L / molecule will be produced and tested so as not to waste money on lab tests for a few vials
Trestolone acetate, primo, masteron p and e, testo U ...

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@Qingdao Sigma Chemicals do you ever anticipate stocking any oils in the USA domestic warehouse?

Not really, because demand is higher on hgh, peptides and raws, so if the client is a regular buyer, who orders large amounts of oils, we can stock some in advance.
We also offer the possibility to ship domestically any international item, from our usa warehouse to your adress with a $45 extra fee.
Goods are sent from China to our warehouse, we bear custom risk, and once arrived, we send your order to you domestically.
I hope you consider stocking a wider variety of Oils. It may force some people to order from other companies. People like to be able to have a "one stop" shop. And once they order from another company, they may stick with that company.
I hope you consider stocking a wider variety of Oils. It may force some people to order from other companies. People like to be able to have a "one stop" shop. And once they order from another company, they may stick with that company.

Other oils can be produced as customized products, but it won't be tested, and the fixed margin error announced to client will be higher.
This will be interesting. More so if someone cross tests a batch and results come out spot on. Your sales volume might get a little nutty.