Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

what was her diet/exercise/dose like? what timeframe? I'm excited to give the sema a run.
No exercise at all she started in September and never went higher than 1/2 a vial of the 2mg vials. She's been cruising on that dose.Her diet is shit. She eats less but mostly ice cream no lie.Trying to get her back in the gym. Luckily she has a nice body from working out most of her life.
No exercise at all she started in September and never went higher than 1/2 a vial of the 2mg vials. She's been cruising on that dose.Her diet is shit. She eats less but mostly ice cream no lie.Trying to get her back in the gym. Luckily she has a nice body from working out most of her life.
So how does the drug work, just makes you less hungry so you loose weight ? That’s the only mechanism ?
So how does the drug work, just makes you less hungry so you loose weight ? That’s the only mechanism ?
Semaglutide is first and foremost a GPL-1 agonist that has a direct impact on gastric emptying rate and insulin secretion. Kinda like metformin. The appetite suppression is a side effect really, but a useful one
No exercise at all she started in September and never went higher than 1/2 a vial of the 2mg vials. She's been cruising on that dose.Her diet is shit. She eats less but mostly ice cream no lie.Trying to get her back in the gym. Luckily she has a nice body from working out most of her life.
Didn't semaglutide cause fatigue? Any side effects? My girlfriend wants to try it too
Qsc's semiglutide got my girlfriend down to 125lbs from 165. She's way more fuckable now. Lol

I like my girl at 145. She’s 5’5, she looks the hottest at like 125ish because the facial features come out even more. High cheek bones and all.

But I’ll be honest, 125-130 looks good. But i think 145, is my favorite to fuck because the tits and ass get extra fatty and soft. Little pudge but not bad so it still looks feminine and “fertile”.

To sum it all up, I think lower weight looks better and more fuckable. But i think slightly above but not fat is where the moneys at. I like a little cushion. But only a little, and yeah 165 is too much haha
I can give you my opinion with test c and primo e both without pip elaborated in MCT. I test it at 250mg/ml and the primo at 100mg since I have never tolerated the primo at 200mg/ml from any provider I have tried in the past.

the MCT oil that I use is from now foods
Thanks for the feed back. Do you heat the oil to sterilize before brewing or just filter the final product into dosing/holding vial?
Guys, I received superdrol and dapoxetine oral. Im just doubting which is which since it was numbered even though I was given which number means which. I still doubt and think they mistake one pill for the other when giving me the label meanings. Is there any way I can differentiate between qdc dapoxetine and sdrol. The sdrol is softer right ? and the dapox kind of burns the tongue from my experience
Guys, I received superdrol and dapoxetine oral. Im just doubting which is which since it was numbered even though I was given which number means which. I still doubt and think they mistake one pill for the other when giving me the label meanings. Is there any way I can differentiate between qdc dapoxetine and sdrol. The sdrol is softer right ? and the dapox kind of burns the tongue from my experience
ive been taking both for this reason. both make me feel nausea and tired so i can only go off the numbering which qsc gave which gives me doubt
Guys, I received superdrol and dapoxetine oral. Im just doubting which is which since it was numbered even though I was given which number means which. I still doubt and think they mistake one pill for the other when giving me the label meanings. Is there any way I can differentiate between qdc dapoxetine and sdrol. The sdrol is softer right ? and the dapox kind of burns the tongue from my experience
Dapoxetine will numb your tongue. Crash one pill and if your mouth gets numb it's dopexetine. Or take one at if you can't cum it's dapox also
I like my girl at 145. She’s 5’5, she looks the hottest at like 125ish because the facial features come out even more. High cheek bones and all.

But I’ll be honest, 125-130 looks good. But i think 145, is my favorite to fuck because the tits and ass get extra fatty and soft. Little pudge but not bad so it still looks feminine and “fertile”.

To sum it all up, I think lower weight looks better and more fuckable. But i think slightly above but not fat is where the moneys at. I like a little cushion. But only a little, and yeah 165 is too much haha
I agree my girl has big ass Double D's and a huge ass still. She's only like 5 foot.