Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

This is just my personal opinion, so take it for whats its worth. I also mean no disrespect, so I hope it doesn't come off that way. Reading your questions regarding hgh dosages and the use of insulin leads me to believe you are new, or at least, relatively knew to using hgh. Before adding multiple compounds to compliment another, I would first run the hgh and do further research on the use of insulin. It is not something you want to go into blindly. As I said, its just my opinion, and everyone knows what they say about opinions.
I'm new, yes. No offense taken. I'll monitor my blood glucose, but I intend to use low doses of GH. I'll dig deeper into it. Thanks
For you guys that have used QSC raws recently to brew Test E, Test C, Bold C, and Primo E, hows the PiP if any? I've read recent posts about PiP with Test E, and also that Bold C is hard to get into solution at 200mg/ml as well as PiP so I would appreciate any recent feedback.

Are these four raws easy to get into stable solution in MCT oil? Looking to brew in MCT oil either individually or possibly combined at no more than 200mg/1ml max concentration. Is there any problem with using food grade Sports Research MCT oil? This is always available at my local warehouse clubstore so it would be convenient and economical.
I can give you my opinion with test c and primo e both without pip elaborated in MCT. I test it at 250mg/ml and the primo at 100mg since I have never tolerated the primo at 200mg/ml from any provider I have tried in the past.

the MCT oil that I use is from now foods