Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Demand on DNP is very high, I am impressed ! o_O

I'm kinda surprised as well. With all the advancements made in weight loss meds in the last 20 years, I'd think DNP would be low on the priority list for most.

DNP was considered a "secret weapon" fat loss drug back in the Dan Duchain guru era. I recall reading his DNP protocol in his Dirty Dieting flyer back in the 1990's.

DNP has a history going back to the 1940-50's IIRC.

Still effective, but there's probably just as effective drugs available today with way less sides is my thinking.
I'm kinda surprised as well. With all the advancements made in weight loss meds in the last 20 years, I'd think DNP would be low on the priority list for most.

DNP was considered a "secret weapon" fat loss drug back in the Dan Duchain guru era. I recall reading his DNP protocol in his Dirty Dieting flyer back in the 1990's.

DNP has a history going back to the 1940-50's IIRC.

Still effective, but there's probably just as effective drugs available today with way less sides is my thinking.
Maybe I will give it a try on my next cut.
Well this is interesting! Are you into bodybuilding? You should share your experience if you do a DNP cut.

I always thought of you as a salesman with a solid understanding of BB pharmaceuticals for some reason.
yes I am into bodybuilding, 5.8ft 240lbs 15% BF now it's bulking season.

There’s no reason for it. Things like Semaglutide and Tirazepatide make things much safer and have more benefits. I guess DNP is just easier and way more cheaper.

I am not into appetite suppressants, since appetite control is very easy for me, In the past i've used clen, I hated sides, I can't workout effeciently because of cramps.
T3 was great, no sides, but I lost some mass, weight dropped quickly, but I felt flat, started becoming cute.
Wow, chill my precious little snowflake. Did my comment cause "heart was racing and I couldn’t sit still" again.

Sorry you get so upset from a strangers words on an internet forum. Just pointing out that your "feels" comment on the reaction to anadrol was somewhat amusing, even funny considering all possible sides.

It's totally cool to disagree, or call someone out for an inappropriate comment and talk about it.

Once you start calling each other names, you're no longer acting like an adult and lose a lot of credibility with any normal, mature person.

What is this high school? You can't have a disagreement without throwing out derogatory terms like "faggot", "like I test your whore wife before I rawdog her", etc??

Another apology if I missed the link to your lab test results. This whole community would benefit from any lab tests. However, not so much from a "feels" test report.

That being said, your comment of the measuring spoons was helpful though.
Lol dude what are you like 19? Grow up
It was a joke you retard. What do you have autism or something? Can’t comprehend a joke or sarcasm? My god half of you take shit so personally on the internet lol. Mommy a bad man called me gay on the internet, hold me! Go back to Reddit
For Canadian customers we won't accept orders temporary until the CN new year holiday is over. The channel for sending large parcels will be out of service earlier than the channel for small parcels. the Chinese New Year holiday will be soon after New Year’s Day, and the logistics companies will be on holiday.

Canadian customers can continue ordering HGH from the Canadian warehouse.
So the only thing available to Canadians until February is domestic gh ?
It was a joke you retard. What do you have autism or something? Can’t comprehend a joke or sarcasm? My god half of you take shit so personally on the internet lol. Mommy a bad man called me gay on the internet, hold me! Go back to Reddit

Haha your such a child obviously hit a nerve there. Good luck, life is gonna be really hard for you with this attitude you have lol. Happy chanukah children ❤️
It was a joke you retard. What do you have autism or something? Can’t comprehend a joke or sarcasm? My god half of you take shit so personally on the internet lol. Mommy a bad man called me gay on the internet, hold me! Go back to Reddit

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.

I think I can say this for most members here. If you have nothing more than childish insults to contribute to the community, GTFO here.

With shit like you've been posting, you'll get no support from anyone here who could offer you useful, accurate help.
Tirz is a much weaker GLP-1 agonist, so if you ran into libido probs with sema it's worth a try.
Please dont spread misinformation. Tirzepatide is way stronger than semaglutide due to it's dual receptor agonists mechanism.

Also, I never had any libido issues with any GLP-1. I highly doubt it's the GLP-1, it didn’t even show up as a side effect in large scaled studies.
Please dont spread misinformation. Tirzepatide is way stronger than semaglutide due to it's dual receptor agonists mechanism.

Also, I never had any libido issues with any GLP-1. I highly doubt it's the GLP-1, it didn’t even show up as a side effect in large scaled studies.
You're right, its effects are stronger due to the dual receptor agonism. You're wrong, however, about misinformation. Tirzepatide is a weaker GLP-1 agonist than semaglutide and favors GIP agonism multi-fold.