Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic


For Canada customers

we still can deliver using the Canadian domestic line, please try to order asap before the CNY coming holidays, we found a new delivery channel to the Canadian warehouse that will still be operating for some days.
So is this the old method with tracking or the new method in which I get tracking upon entry to Canada?
So I mixed up my tren and test. Picked up this super looking older chick from her cardboard abode on the way home. She was a bit fresh from her daily hiking, with a bit of scruff probably from volunteering with animals. Damn she smelled good, so fucking good. We got into it anyways and had she the most epic Hungarian bodybuilder clit - like those Olympians in the 70s.

Oddly she only wanted anal which was fine by me as I'm kinda scared of STDs

Edit - it felt good
I'm waiting for a feels report on someone's first gay experience.
You were the first to use the reship line. Everyone else is waiting 3 months now and counting.

You asked my thoughts and I gave them. Nobody has to like it or accept it.

Canada line was only announced end of October, I really doubt people have been waiting since a month before it was announced.
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anyone else getting some PIP from the qsc HCG from us domestic warehouse? the 2500iu vials? not sure if its the HCG or maybe my bac water but im going to pin some straight water subq to see if i have the same red area/soreness
anyone else getting some PIP from the qsc HCG from us domestic warehouse? the 2500iu vials? not sure if its the HCG or maybe my bac water but im going to pin some straight water subq to see if i have the same red area/soreness
I’ve been using it with Hospira bac water for some time now. No issues.