Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

I've just been kicking back just kinda watching this thread cause honestly I'm new to the aas game. I'm just paroled cause I used to be in sales in a different game. Anyways I can't belive how many people on here have absolutely no street smarts and literally put the plug on blast. It blows my mind
Law enforcement don’t give a shit about AAS. Opsec is honestly a joke.
Answer something for me...

Are you an actual fucking retard, or just pretending to be one?
incase you haven’t realized. Law enforcement can see this thread and can also get an alipay link from the rep himself, this info is publicly available. Bunch of schizos in this thread think the DEA is going to bust their door down over fucking gear. What a joke.
incase you haven’t realized. Law enforcement can see this thread and can also get an alipay link from the rep himself, this info is publicly available. Bunch of schizos in this thread think the DEA is going to bust their door down over fucking gear. What a joke.
Not everone lives if dumbfackistan you ahole.
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Not anyone lives if dumbfackistan you ahole.
Everyone lives on earth dipshit, and EVERYWHERE on earth, law enforcement can already see the shell company that QSC has set up, are you fucking retarded? None of this shit is secret. What next, are you going to tell me protonmail is actually secure. Once again, fucking retard.
Everyone lives on earth dipshit, and EVERYWHERE on earth, law enforcement can already see the shell company that QSC has set up, are you fucking retarded? None of this shit is secret. What next, are you going to tell me protonmail is actually secure. Once again, fucking retard.
Not all people are retards like you.
@Millard can you delete the post that puts the source at risk please
If the source was concerned about being at risk, they wouldn’t be selling gear on a clear web forum, using protonmail, taking Alipay, taking btc, etc. Jesus Christ. All of this “opsec” is just a the source pulling wool over the eyes of the schizophrenia patients who think they’ll get put to death for buying shit on the internet. Trust me, if law enforcement wanted to catch him, they’d have him already.
incase you haven’t realized. Law enforcement can see this thread and can also get an alipay link from the rep himself, this info is publicly available. Bunch of schizos in this thread think the DEA is going to bust their door down over fucking gear. What a joke.

Hey dipshit, I couldn't give a fuck less about the source.

The purpose of my comment was to elucidate the inherent down-syndrome-like nature of the post in question.

The member placed his order already, there are no qualms...so of what relevance is the fact that "It seems like they are two different companies", and what agenda does it serve, in mentioning the name of the company that the source may or may not be using as cover?(Regardless of the fact that this can be easily obtained by LE)

By defending said member is his autistic rhetoric, we're left to assume one of two options...
1. You are comparably dense, possibly even more than member in question...
2. You and member are deeply engaged in a romantic relationship

Hey, I don't judge.

But keep the gay shit away from me.

Okay...I judge, faggot.
Hey dipshit, I couldn't give a fuck less about the source.

The purpose of my comment was to elucidate the inherent down-syndrome-like nature of the post in question.

The member placed his order already, there are no qualms...so of what relevance is the fact that "It seems like they are two different companies", and what agenda does it serve, in mentioning the name of the company that the source may or may not be using as cover?(Regardless of the fact that this can be easily obtained by LE)

By defending said member is his autistic rhetoric, we're left to assume one of two options...
1. You are comparably dense, possibly even more than member in question...
2. You and member are deeply engaged in a romantic relationship

Hey, I don't judge.

But keep the gay shit away from me.

Okay...I judge, faggot.
There’s no defense since there’s no problem with his question. You are the one making it a problem in your tiny schizophrenic brain.
WWAAAAAA WAAAAAA! My drug dealer might get busted because some chud posted publicly available information in his sales thread!!!! Where am I gonna buy my gear NOWWWW?!?
WWAAAAAA WAAAAAA! My drug dealer might get busted because some chud posted publicly available information in his sales thread!!!! Where am I gonna buy my gear NOWWWW?!?

This seems like way more than a bit of a stretch as far as interpretations are concerned.

Hey, you're aware that you have to be at least 18 years of age to use this forum, right?
People who expose vendor OPSEC should be banned from the forum permanently. They are putting vendors and by proxy, customers at risk.