Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Yea ok.. We know your agenda and the few others in your rat pack.
Stupid bitch. When jano tried to analyze it, he couldn't even determine what it is.

But this is all a big conspiracy to bring down your golden goose.

God damn, some of you mother fuckers are dumber than a box of rocks.
Yea ok.. We know your agenda and the few others in your rat pack.
What kind of bottom feeder defends a source sending out mislabeled products? Have some self respect for once in your life. Praise the source when they do something right and hold their feet to the flames when they do scumbag shit.
Well, Liska offered to pay the cost of testing for any of qsc customers who purchased the powder in question.

He mentioned qsc replacing the powder with real teso if it also turns out to be mystery chemicals but we all know they won't do that.

Every other source he spoke with sells teso for around $200 a gram wholesale, yet qsc can somehow sell it for $60 for 10 grams. As has been mentioned, if it is real, it would be the most profitable raw in the bb industry...if it was real that is.

Qsc won't replace the customers orders with real teso, the same way that he wouldn't replace deus pharmaceuticals order of toremefine that turned out to be clomid.

And then ask yourself, why would qsc accidentally send clomid? The answer is, nobody would have known the difference had deus not sent it to janoshik for testing.

Bottom line. Shady source here that doesn't give a fuck about his customers.
What part of my post upset you? What do you not agree with? Why wouldn't you have a problem with them selling mislabeled shit?

I really don't understand what you are mad about. Do you think that qsc customers deserve to be fucked over and sold fake shit?

Do you think it's a good thing that these guys are injecting who knows what into themselves?

Are you mad because you're a shill and this makes your employer look bad? Worried about losing your job?

I'm really trying to wrap my head around what would make you react this way.

And to the dipshits that claim qsc hasn't had any shills, where did @Footfetishguy go?

I get it that you boys want good gear for cheap and qsc has mostly been able to supply that. But to turn a blind eye when they fuck up like this is insane.

Like some weak bitch of a man that finds out his wife has been cheating and chooses to act like nothing is wrong. Fuck all that.
What part of my post upset you? What do you not agree with? Why wouldn't you have a problem with them selling mislabeled shit?

I really don't understand what you are mad about. Do you think that qsc customers deserve to be fucked over and sold fake shit?

Do you think it's a good thing that these guys are injecting who knows what into themselves?

Are you mad because you're a shill and this makes your employer look bad? Worried about losing your job?

I'm really trying to wrap my head around what would make you react this way.

And to the dipshits that claim qsc hasn't had any shills, where did @Footfetishguy go?

I get it that you boys want good gear for cheap and qsc has mostly been able to supply that. But to turn a blind eye when they fuck up like this is insane.

Like some weak bitch of a man that finds out his wife has been cheating and chooses to act like nothing is wrong. Fuck all that.
blablabla here are still xxxx+ satisfied costumer who get big on high quality gh and other roids while you buy liskas ugl gear she brewed out of QSCs raws.
blablabla here are still xxxx+ satisfied costumer who get big on high quality gh and other roids while you buy liskas ugl gear she brewed out of QSCs raws.
I haven't ever ordered or used any of Liska's gear.

I don't care where liska gets his raws, either. Because he chooses to test them before making product to sell to his customers.

I'm not doubting that qsc has some good products but I have a problem with them sending out shit that isn't what it's supposed to be and can't even be identified.

Would you honestly want to use their "tesofensine" after analysis couldn't even identify what the fuck it was?

If your answer is yes, then you're a special kind of stupid and I'm obviously wasting my time responding.
What part of my post upset you? What do you not agree with? Why wouldn't you have a problem with them selling mislabeled shit?

I really don't understand what you are mad about. Do you think that qsc customers deserve to be fucked over and sold fake shit?

Do you think it's a good thing that these guys are injecting who knows what into themselves?

Are you mad because you're a shill and this makes your employer look bad? Worried about losing your job?

I'm really trying to wrap my head around what would make you react this way.

And to the dipshits that claim qsc hasn't had any shills, where did @Footfetishguy go?

I get it that you boys want good gear for cheap and qsc has mostly been able to supply that. But to turn a blind eye when they fuck up like this is insane.

Like some weak bitch of a man that finds out his wife has been cheating and chooses to act like nothing is wrong. Fuck all that.
Homie forgot which alt liska shilling account he was using and replied to himself lol.
Homie forgot which alt liska shilling account he was using and replied to himself lol.
Hey dipshit. This is the only account I have and wtf are you even talking about? I've had this same one since 2014. You're obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed. If anyone is a shill in this thread, it has to be your stupid ass.

I mean, how can you defend this bullshit? Your critical thinking skills are non existent or, more likely, you're one of the reps many alt accounts. Fucking scumbag.
Hey dipshit. This is the only account I have and wtf are you even talking about? I've had this same one since 2014. You're obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed. If anyone is a shill in this thread, it has to be your stupid ass.

I mean, how can you defend this bullshit? Your critical thinking skills are non existent or, more likely, you're one of the reps many alt accounts. Fucking scumbag.

Don’t worry bro. If you just put all the people calling out bullshit on ignore , then you will only be left with the good stuff!

Hey dipshit. This is the only account I have and wtf are you even talking about? I've had this same one since 2014. You're obviously not the sharpest tool in the shed. If anyone is a shill in this thread, it has to be your stupid ass.

I mean, how can you defend this bullshit? Your critical thinking skills are non existent or, more likely, you're one of the reps many alt accounts. Fucking scumbag.
Dont care.
Still gonna order from QSC and not your catgirl boyfriend.