Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Thanks for that. The reason I asked was because the top dose for Tirzepatide is 15mg from pharma and essentially get 3 5mg or 2 7.5mg pins. Even at the 10mg kit, that's still 2.5 months on 10mg/wk and the price is still solid.
It's funny how the same old shills come out of the woodwork when I bring up qsc's shortcomings. You fucktards better be careful and be sure to login from the right IP address. LMAO
I'm new here, less than 2 weeks registered, but it's already painfully obvious you're just a shit stirrer.
Must be Full moon or something?
I blocked these assholes months ago so this thread remains nice and clean for me. I can see they're posting but it hides their nonsense. Great feature, thanks Millard.
Must be Full moon or something?
I blocked these assholes months ago so this thread remains nice and clean for me. I can see they're posting but it hides their nonsense. Great feature, thanks Millard.
Same here .. I’ve blocked a lot of idiots , and what’s with Catfood cafe ? They-have done this on other sources here .. who made them sheriff of meso! Again this is the only board where this shit exists .. and why maybe 10% of sources here are allowed to source on other respected boards . Q know this , he is on PM, there is 0 non sense there .. this place is a fucking zoo. Lmao …it’s the minor leagues of boards
Guys, forget the teso drama, my Like button is gone? :eek: It’s not anywhere next to Quote and Reply ones…

But srsly, “testing” your competitors and then coming up with spicy takes on how their shit is fake cuz your own source charges 5x is… dubious in the sense that it may be your source issue. And then calling everyone who is chiming in with their own positive experiences a shill is doubly dubious. The intentions might be good, but it quickly devolves into mutual shit slinging with zero constructive feedback for end customers.
Guys, forget the teso drama, my Like button is gone? :eek: It’s not anywhere next to Quote and Reply ones…

But srsly, “testing” your competitors and then coming up with spicy takes on how their shit is fake cuz your own source charges 5x is… dubious in the sense that it may be your source issue. And then calling everyone who is chiming in with their own positive experiences a shill is doubly dubious. The intentions might be good, but it quickly devolves into mutual shit slinging with zero constructive feedback for end customers.
My like button is there, maybe it's cause you're a newb, new titles and name colors around here, maybe they stripped the like button for newbs.
Sent QSC an email. Lets give this some time for @Qingdao Sigma Chemicals
to see and reply.

Did you/anyone else get tesofensine? If so, what does it look like?
So mine is kind of a grainy white crystal powder (more like finer sea salt). I’d put it on similar consistency as var, but maybe a little more crystalline and clumps.

I’ve been doing 1mg/day for about 2-3 weeks now and honestly haven’t noticed much in the way of mood or appetite
I have it in the other threads… this is selective anti-newbism! I wholeheartedly protest such injustices!
Some imminent changes in phase two involve: forfeiting participation in the ranking system for anyone who signs up for the forum with the express purpose of extracting money from MESO members; restricting vendor ability to like/dislike positive/negative reviews; and similarly restricting new member ability to like/dislike vendor posts or any other posts in specific subforums; etc.
Anyone end up with their parabolan/hex having two different colors? Ordered one kit and it's hella dark, a reshipped kit that was originally missing came in way lighter. I guess the longer the ester the darker the color...? I thought it was strictly heat related how it turns out.
Some imminent changes in phase two involve: forfeiting participation in the ranking system for anyone who signs up for the forum with the express purpose of extracting money from MESO members; restricting vendor ability to like/dislike positive/negative reviews; and similarly restricting new member ability to like/dislike vendor posts or any other posts in specific subforums; etc.
I see, that explains it. Thanks for digging it out man, appreciate the help!