Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Stop selling this trash, real Tesofensine is closer to $200/g at factory price which I refuse to believe you don't know perfectly well because it's your job to know.

Warn your customers not to ingest whatever you sent them because you've no fucking idea what it is nor whether it's potentially harmful.

I know you'll have an easy job manipulating public opinion in your thread with assistance of your shills but discrediting these test results just to protect your reputation at the expense of your customers health goes way too far. If you don't want to admit to the test result being legitimate, find some stupid way to save your face and the customers that bought it behind closed doors if you must.
Stop selling this trash, real Tesofensine is closer to $200/g at factory price which I refuse to believe you don't know perfectly well because it's your job to know.

Warn your customers not to ingest whatever you sent them because you've no fucking idea what it is nor whether it's potentially harmful.

I know you'll have an easy job manipulating public opinion in your thread with assistance of your shills but discrediting these test results just to protect your reputation at the expense of your customers health goes way too far. If you don't want to admit to the test result being legitimate, find some stupid way to save your face and the customers that bought it behind closed doors if you must.
What test results?
What test results?

I had someone else send a sample of QSC's Tesofensine to Janoshik because they're selling it so far below factory cost it could not possibly be the real thing, and it isn't.

I had someone else send a sample of QSC's Tesofensine to Janoshik because they're selling it so far below factory cost it could not possibly be the real thing, and it isn't.
Can you link those posts/results?
QSC- You should start posting your cheap prices on oils in liskas thread. Since they won’t stay out of your thread
Well this is not good as I’ve ordered a good amount of Tesofensine through them, that’s a definite loss. I’m sure we will never be reimbursed for it either
You can't judge like this based on the lies of a jealous source, who consider themselves as competitors. I have proved that he is lying in lab testing section
QSC- You should start posting your cheap prices on oils in liskas thread. Since they won’t stay out of your thread
If a dog bites you, you don't try to bite him back.
He is jealous and desesperate for drama, and also a proven liar.
Destryoed by the competition, it's his only way to get some attention.
The biggest order he gets on his thread is the average small order you guys get from us.
He is a like the bikini girl trying to compete in the open weight BB show, there is no competition, no matter how you consider yourself as competitors, we don't play in the same field.
If a dog bites you, you don't try to bite him back.
He is jealous and desesperate for drama, and also a proven liar.
Destryoed by the competition, it's his only way to get some attention.
The biggest order he gets on his thread is the average small order you guys get from us.
He is a like the bikini girl trying to compete in the open weight BB show, there is no competition, no matter how you consider yourself as competitors, we don't play in the same field.
Good analogy. You are right. It’s like a gas station owner arguing with the CEO of Exxon. No point in even answering the phone
If a dog bites you, you don't try to bite him back.
He is jealous and desesperate for drama, and also a proven liar.
Destryoed by the competition, it's his only way to get some attention.
The biggest order he gets on his thread is the average small order you guys get from us.
He is a like the bikini girl trying to compete in the open weight BB show, there is no competition, no matter how you consider yourself as competitors, we don't play in the same field.
You've been proven to be a selective scammer. You fucked deus and doxxed him to boot.

You can spin shit all you want and we both know that you have enough stupid customers and shills, that you will continue on regardless.

What's pathetic is the fact that you place making money above your customers health. You're a fucking scumbag and when all the dust settles, my money is on you no longer offering teso in the near future.

Fucking scummy bitch move to tell customers they need to spend $500 bucks to have whatever this shit is, tested in order to refund them $60.

You know exactly what you did and what you are doing. If something is too good to be true, it probably is.

So, are you going to allow Liska to pay for your customers testing and then refund them with real teso, or just give them their $60 dollars back?

I'm sure you won't be able to source real teso, the same way that you weren't able to source toremifine.

I feel sorry for your ignorant customers that don't want to believe that their golden goose would fuck them.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it isn't a golden goose.
Good analogy. You are right. It’s like a gas station owner arguing with the CEO of Exxon. No point in even answering the phone
Shit the fuck up, retarded shill bitch. It becomes so obvious who the shills are when controversy rears it's ugly head. You aren't slick, bitch.
You've been proven to be a selective scammer. You fucked deus and doxxed him to boot.

You can spin shit all you want and we both know that you have enough stupid customers and shills, that you will continue on regardless.

What's pathetic is the fact that you place making money above your customers health. You're a fucking scumbag and when all the dust settles, my money is on you no longer offering teso in the near future.

Fucking scummy bitch move to tell customers they need to spend $500 bucks to have whatever this shit is, tested in order to refund them $60.

You know exactly what you did and what you are doing. If something is too good to be true, it probably is.

So, are you going to allow Liska to pay for your customers testing and then refund them with real teso, or just give them their $60 dollars back?

I'm sure you won't be able to source real teso, the same way that you weren't able to source toremifine.

I feel sorry for your ignorant customers that don't want to believe that their golden goose would fuck them.

If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it isn't a golden goose.
You are simply a catcafe shill, easy to manipulate and retarded.

You wrote a whole page of insults, based on stupid lies.

You have been manipulated to start again the drama in this thread but I won't give you this opportunity.

First of all, I didn't dox or scam anyone, and if you have doubts you can @Deus Pharmaceuticals ;)

Second thing, I have nothing to prove, it's up to the liar that you like to suck his dick to prove his accusations and pay the money for that.

It's obviously a fake report.

His sample do not match any of my customers samples.

And the only one who received tesofensine before this report I know him and I have picture of his sample.

I feel pitty for you lol
You are simply a catcafe shill, easy to manipulate and retarded.

You wrote a whole page of insults, based on stupid lies.

You have been manipulated to start again the drama in this thread but I won't give you this opportunity.

First of all, I didn't dox or scam anyone, and if you have doubts you can @Deus Pharmaceuticals ;)

Second thing, I have nothing to prove, it's up to the liar that you like to suck his dick to prove his accusations and pay the money for that.

It's obviously a fake report.

His sample do not match any of my customers samples.

And the only one who received tesofensine before this report I know him and I have picture of his sample.

I feel pitty for you lol
Shit the fuck up scammer bitch. It isn't hard to show your customers what transpired earlier in your thread.

None of it has been deleted, you stupid bitch. I guess I'll go ahead and refresh your memory.
Pity this, you stupid bitch.

Nice try, but this issue was solved long time ago because QSC always make it right ^^