Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

ok thank you for explanation BUT i thought that hgh frag 5mg was stopped for production. (you generally leave the row but put a line on words to explain it's Out of stock, but 5mg row disappeared)
and for tb500 my pdf only have 2 and 5mg, how can a client know you also sell 10mg if it's not listed :)

i am wondering how many other substances we COULD order at higher concentration per vial.... but not listed in pdf (bpc157 only available in 5mg or also 2 and 10mg?):cool:

TB500 5mg and 10mg out of stock international, 2mg available, that's why they have been deleted.
HGH frag 5mg out of stock, only 2mg left, that's why it was modified.
I do not list them because we planned to discontinue the 2mg and 10mg versions.

BPC157 only available 5mg
Here is a warning for anyone considering buying TestU oils. I have used QSC TestU oils @ 200mg/ml in the past and they were great. When they recently announced that they we going to start selling Test U @ 350mg/ml, I ordered 3 kits. Every one of the 30 vials of Test U was crashed. I warmed one up in a pan of water, swirling the vial and eventually the crystals when back into solution. Unfortunately as soon as they cooled, the crystals were back. I contacted QSC to ask for a refund of the product only and I would eat the shipping. Their response was that I should heat up the vial before every injection and they did not guarantee against crystals and pip. I can tell you, I will not be heating up Test that I KNOW will crystalize in my glutes. Just a heads up for those considering an order.

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And this right here is why I homebrew
I don't know man, I 'll ask her

No I am a homebrewer what made the same mistake.

Same mistake I did with Test C in my early years thinking it's practically enanthate so why not 300mg?
How long have you been doing it? I had trouble with bold cyp because i assumed the cypionate ester is all that mattered but after reading...gotta read or ya gotta know the science
How long have you been doing it? I had trouble with bold cyp because i assumed the cypionate ester is all that mattered but after reading...gotta read or ya gotta know the science
More than 20yrs. Personal use only, so I got my bearings but I haven't had the quantity. Yeah I know it's not the ester only. Even carrier oil viscosity plays a role