Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Years ago, Janoshik said he tested some test enanthate raws he had kept in retention and they showed considerable decomposition. It's likely this is what's happening. Whatever it decomposes to is irritating.

I had some raws from another source years ago and the first batch was pain free and when I made another batch about 8 months later, it caused serious knots and pain.
Problems with Test E started somewhere in 2008 if I remember correctly. I had raw Test E from 2004 and it was pip free even when I brew the last batch at 2019. Something either changed in the production procedure that doesn't impact the final product when it's used in a short amount of time or the underground gets "Grade B" product that doesn't cut it for pharma.

Either way Test C or Test D are viable alternatives for long ester Test
Total lazy asshole question, looked at the list and last couple pages, couldn’t find carrier oil. Please advise, sorry for the inconvenience. Thank you.
It doesn't work like this.
TB500 2mg $45/kit
TB500 5mg $70/kit
TB500 10mg $130/kit
it's not linear

Same for HF, 2mg $45 but 5mg stills $59 (just out of stock)
ok thank you for explanation BUT i thought that hgh frag 5mg was stopped for production. (you generally leave the row but put a line on words to explain it's Out of stock, but 5mg row disappeared)
and for tb500 my pdf only have 2 and 5mg, how can a client know you also sell 10mg if it's not listed :)

i am wondering how many other substances we COULD order at higher concentration per vial.... but not listed in pdf (bpc157 only available in 5mg or also 2 and 10mg?):cool:
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another info, do you still produce VIP peptide?
it disappeared since a month or so from pdf. if only momentarily out of stock...(like hgh frag 5mg) why to delete the row? this way one could think you "never had it"
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