Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Apologize if it seems like I’m spreading a rumor about yourself which was not the case. An “anonymous black top” testing was listed and as a harm reduction board I’m looking to make sure it’s OK. Was not aware of this test result, which was I asked. Thank you QSC!
I know it's not intentional, but just the fact of posting a such question in our thread will spread the rumor of making the link between that lab test and us, knowing that most of sponsors here offer black tops on regular basis.
I know it's not intentional, but just the fact of posting a such question in our thread will spread the rumor of making the link between that lab test and us, knowing that most of sponsors here offer black tops on regular basis.
Once again my apologies for the question. I do appreciate the quick reply with lab testing. I should have worded my question better.
I find it so stupid to spread this kind of rumors and you just saw lab test results of our HGH this month 96.6%

Also nothing matches with that post:
we are not sponsor here
we don't refund lab tests
the dimer has never been detected in our HGH and many lab tests are available
and we rarely offer black tops, often it's blue tops for 10IU

View attachment 251973
So you rarely offer black tops but this test actually says black top lol. Did you do the dimer test as it's not listed under purity like I've seen in other hgh tests. Where is the test date? This image has been cropped.
So you rarely offer black tops but this test actually says black top lol. Did you do the dimer test as it's not listed under purity like I've seen in other hgh tests. Where is the test date? This image has been cropped.
That is not their test... He was just linking it as an example
So you rarely offer black tops but this test actually says black top lol. Did you do the dimer test as it's not listed under purity like I've seen in other hgh tests. Where is the test date? This image has been cropped.
If you open the link in the same post you will get all the answers of your post
Ok so I've been on 150mg/wk Test E and 500iu HCG/wk for a while

On january 1st I started QSC Masteron (200mg/wk) and HGH (2iu ED) and 60mg ED of Tbol. Are they bunk? DHT actually decreased.

I initially had a honey moon phase that lasted 2 weeks, then it subsided, and DHT dropped by 300 points. Also, I'm feeling some side effects of the GH, but is my bloodwork compatible with 2iu ED?

Bloodword is from before and after starting the cycle


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