Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Wow, I just upped to 4iu after being on 3iu for a couple months. I’ve not noticed any water retention at all ‍♂️.
How’s your water and sodium intake? On any diuretics?
I drink a bit more than a gallon, 4 liters of water. Sodium intake low, no diuretics.
Trying to do the math but it’s not making since.

10g of Arimidex would equate to 10,000 mg.

Arimidex generally comes in 1-2 mg tabs.
That would mean that’s enough to to make 10,000 1 mg tabs. That just doesn’t seem right. 10,000 tabs for around $80. I know Qingdao has awesome prices but that is not even believable.

If somebody could do me a solid and spoon feed me, I’d be in your debt. Lol

Buying anything in bulk is significantly cheaper than buying smaller amounts. That applies to nearly everything in the world. Especially somewhere like China.

QSC is winning because people are more willing to take risks and buy larger supplies, or things they never would have, because the prices are so good. If they charged more, it would cross the line, and people would probably hold back, and not buy so much.