Qingdao Sigma Chemical Co., Ltd (International, US, EU, Canada and Australia domestic

Buying anything in bulk is significantly cheaper than buying smaller amounts. That applies to nearly everything in the world. Especially somewhere like China.

QSC is winning because people are more willing to take risks and buy larger supplies, or things they never would have, because the prices are so good. If they charged more, it would cross the line, and people would probably hold back, and not buy so much.
Yea I get that. It’s just such a huge gap though like holy fucking hell. Typically You can buy 50 tabs usually around $50-$100 from most sources. some maybe less or some maybe more but we are talking 950 more tabs for roughly the same price. I would never have to buy Arimidex again. It would expire before I got through it all.

Im gonna be shopping around for scales and doing some more research on the capping.

It’s a definite no brainer.
Yea I get that. It’s just such a huge gap though like holy fucking hell. Typically You can buy 50 tabs usually around $50-$100 from most sources. some maybe less or some maybe more but we are talking 950 more tabs for roughly the same price. I would never have to buy Arimidex again. It would expire before I got through it all.

Im gonna be shopping around for scales and doing some more research on the capping.

It’s a definite no brainer.

There’s bigger consequences legally if AAS is unfinished product than finished AAS. (Raws vs vials/tabs)

In the US at least.
There’s bigger consequences legally if AAS is unfinished product than finished AAS. (Raws vs vials/tabs)

In the US at least.
I would imagine lol. Didn’t think about that but a vacuum sealed bag of white powder might look kind of suspicious (if it even is vacuum sealed. Im really not worried about it though. Worst case I have no idea what that is or why it would be delivered to my house. Clearly someone has me confused officer.

I should also add that I don’t plan on producing my own oils, suspensions and or orals any time soon. Lol probably never. But I might get few different raws that I can make orals with for personal use.
Trying to do the math but it’s not making since.

10g of Arimidex would equate to 10,000 mg.

Arimidex generally comes in 1-2 mg tabs.
That would mean that’s enough to to make 10,000 1 mg tabs. That just doesn’t seem right. 10,000 tabs for around $80. I know Qingdao has awesome prices but that is not even believable.

If somebody could do me a solid and spoon feed me, I’d be in your debt. Lol

Formulating 1mg accurately as caps or tabs is a pain in the ass.
Jesus Christ! I’m having lots of green thoughts. :eek::D

I might quit my day job and hit the streets with that kind of savings!
You’re not the first .. how many people/sources do u think already from here, Slap on some new pretty labels and Open a whole new lab ???
May not be the spot for it, but any peptides i can use to tighten lower belly skin? Used to be a fat boy
From my experience, nothing but surgery can tighten skin. You can try every crème or lotion. It’s all the same. Once skin has lost its elasticity, that’s it. You can try gaining muscle there to fill the skin.
From my experience, nothing but surgery can tighten skin. You can try every crème or lotion. It’s all the same. Once skin has lost its elasticity, that’s it. You can try gaining muscle there to fill the skin.
Thank you, was hoping i missed something, will probably see how it looks after maintaining 12ish percent bf, if its not any better, guess ill have to get surgery. Its nothing crazy but went from ~245 at 20 and have been anywhere between 150-205 over the last ten years, 205 bein now but also the one of the leanest i been
I use 50mg/ml of RU. It’s very easy to make and very few ingredients. For minox I just use regular rogaine.
Do you just put it in within 30 min after you shower as suggested, and then keep it in all day? Does it dry fast?

What ratio ethanol to PEG?
You’re not the first .. how many people/sources do u think already from here, Slap on some new pretty labels and Open a whole new lab ???
You forgot the 1st thing they do, which is slap a price tag on it that is 10x higher than the entire kit cost from Q